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Ed Sheeran's POV

It was Taylor Swift's birthday, so I knew I had to make time to see her. I had heard from the media that she was staying with Harry and Louis, so I was on my way there now.

When I got there, I knocked on their door. Louis answered it.

I pulled him into a hug which he returned. When I pulled away, I asked, "How are you doing, Louis?"

"Yeah, better than ever. I feel rather blessed right now."

"I'm glad you're doing well."

"Thank you! How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

"I've been doing well." After a moment, I added playfully, "I wish someone told me about Taylor."

"Oh! Sorry! Taylor didn't call you herself?"

"No." I pouted. "She hates me."

"She doesn't hate you, Ed. Wanna come in and see her?"

I smiled. "Well, I did come to see her, so perhaps, yeah."

He laughed. "Come in, mate."

He stepped aside to let me in, so I crossed into the flat, and he closed the door behind me.

I asked, "Where is she?"

"She, uh, she might be with Harry. Let me go check."

I nodded and waited for his return, as he jogged off to check.

After a moment, he came back. "They are. She's in his room. You know where that is, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I know. Thanks."

Louis smiled as I went to Harry's room. 

When I got there, Harry was throwing a white t-shirt on over his body, and Taylor was looking at the door, so she saw me immediately.

I teased, "Did I interrupt something?"

Harry rolled his eyes playfully. "No, I was just being lazy." He sat down next to Taylor, on her left side.

I turned to Taylor. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, Ed!" She stood up and hugged me. "I missed you."

I joked, "Then why didn't you call to tell me?" I hugged her back. More seriously, I added, "I missed you too."

She pulled away, smiling. "I had a lot of things on my mind when I first got here."

I nodded. "I understand."

"Well, I want to talk to Louis for a bit. So I'll see you two later." She jogged off to go speak to Louis.

I sat down next to Harry. "So how have you been?"

"Good," he said noncommittally. "And you?"

"I've been doing great." I was confused by his tone but decided not to question it.

I found myself looking down at my lap, but I couldn't help but notice something pink on Harry's wrist.

I focused my attention there and realized that it was a scar on his wrist.

I was about to ask about it when there was a knock on the front door. I overheard Louis calling out, "Harry, can you get that?"

Harry stood up, but I said, "Wait, Harry. Your wrist..."

He turned to me with an unreadable expression, before running off to get the door. I followed him down and was a few steps behind him when he opened the door. It was Lady Gaga, my friend.

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