Chapter 11

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There was a knock on the door.

I said, "I'll get it." I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Zayn and Niall. I warned as a joke, "Zayn, just a warning. There's a big fan of yours in there."

He nodded. I let them in.  We walked to the living room. Practically the moment Zayn entered the room, Melissa ran over and hugged him. He was completely caught off guard, but hugged back. She seemed to melt into him.

Zayn's POV

A girl with wavy, brown hair and bright, beautiful brown eyes ran over and hugged me. I didn't see it coming, at all, but I hugged back anyway. I'm guessing this is the fan Harry told me about.

"What's your name?" I asked shyly.

Her eyes brightened as she replied, "Melissa."

"Well, nice to meet you, Melissa."

Melissa's POV  

He hugged me back. I melted at his touch.

He asked, "What's your name?"

He's asking for my name?!

"Melissa," I answered.

"Well nice to meet you, Melissa."

He said my name! I love the way he says it.

I decided I should pull away, so I did. But I was instantly pulled into a hug by Niall. I smiled to myself as he buried his face into my neck. Wow. He's such a good hugger.

Soon we pulled away.

I complimented lowly, "You give great hugs."

"Thanks," he said humbly.


I turned to Zayn who was looking at me. I looked into his very beautiful brown eyes. I could stare at them all day. He's just so perfect looking. Only problem is, he's engaged to Perrie Edwards. I mean, as long as he's happy, I'm ok with it. I still want to be with him though.

A cell phone rang. Zayn pulled out his phone, looked at the caller ID and excused himself, answering on the way out.

Zayn's POV  

My phone rang. I pulled it out, looked at the caller ID, saw that it was Perrie and excused myself, wanting to talk to her alone. I answered it on the way out.

I greeted, "Hello Perrie."

"Hi. We need to talk."

"About our relationship? Yeah."

"I think we should... y'know... break up."

"Honestly, me too. I just don't think it's workin' out."

"Me either. It doesn't feel like love anymore."


"So is it over now?"

"I guess it is." I was sad that it didn't work out.

"We can still be friends though, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Great! Bye Zayn."

"Bye Perrie."

She hung up. I put my phone away. I really wish it would've worked out. I guess she isn't the one for me.

Louis walked in. "Was that Perrie?"

"Yeah, it was."

"You ok?"

"Yeah, Perrie and I broke up though."

"Wasn't working out?" he guessed, knowing that we hadn't been connecting lately.

"No it wasn't."

He nodded. "Come on. Let's go back, mate."

I nodded. We walked back. The girl with the blonde hair that I had vaguely remembered seeing had left.

I asked Louis, "Who was the girl with blonde hair?"


I nodded. "I wish we could've talked a little more."

"Don't worry. You'll see her more. She's a neighbor."

I nodded and then looked over at Melissa, who was looking at me with her big eyes. My heart picked up a little, and I was vaguely aware of Harry and Taylor leaving, with Harry's face looking somber.



I hope you enjoyed this part. Thank you to everyone who has read this. Feel free to vote or comment.

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