Chapter 3

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Taylor's POV

As the door opened, Harry fell to the ground into a pool of blood. In fact, blood was still pouring out of him. I screamed in horror.

Louis ran in. "What the hell?!" He couldn't see Harry since I was in the way.

I stepped out of the way and pointed shakily.

Louis' eyes locked with Harry's dying body. "I'll call an ambulance. Ok?" He sounded surprisingly calm, like this happened often.

I nodded. He called an ambulance.

Soon after he hung up, he said to me, "It'll be here soon."

"I hope he makes it long enough."

"God, me too." It was then that I realized that he wasn't as calm as he seemed earlier.

Soon, there was a knock on the door. Louis ran to the door at what appeared to be full speed.

Louis brought the paramedics back here. They did some first aid and then took him away.

We followed them out, got in Louis' car and followed them to the hospital. We parked, which took some time, since there was barely any parking spaces left, and walked inside.

Louis asked the nurse in front, "Any news of Harry Styles?" He spoke professionally as though he's said this before.

"He just got in. He's in ICU right now. You'll have to wait here."

I nodded along with him. We walked over to the sitting area.

I suggested, "You should tell the guys and his family."

He hesitated. "Yeah, you're right."

"I can call one of the boys, if you give me their number."

He nodded, said thank you, and then gave me Zayn's number. I called him.

He said, "Hello?"

"Hi. This is Taylor."

He caught my somber tone. "What's going on?"

"Harry's in the hospital."

"What happened? Is he ok?"

"I don't know. That's for both questions. We haven't heard anything from the doctors yet."

"I'll tell Niall and Liam. We'll be there as soon as we can."

I said, "Ok. I'll see you later."


He hung up. Louis put his phone away.

I said, "They're on their way."

He whispered, "Ok." Then added at a more normal volume, "When we hear back from the doctors, I'll have to call Harry's mum back."

I nodded.


It's been 10 minutes, and we still haven't heard anything. Zayn, Liam, and Niall walked in.

Liam asked nervously, "Anything?"

I shook my head, still concerned.

He nodded, his face filling with anxiety.


A doctor came out. "Anyone here for Harry Styles?"

Liam said, "We are."

The doctor walked over to us. "He's stable now, but he's still sleeping. Does anyone know anything about what happened? He appears to have scars, old and new, on his torso."

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