Chapter 40

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Taylor's POV

4 weeks had passed since the day it all went downhill. July 1st. Harry still had not woken up, and I was beginning to think he never would. It was my fault that he was in a coma, so I felt like crying every time I thought about it.

Today was the day of Jake Steinfeld's trial. I only met him the one time, but, apparently, he was the one behind my kidnapping.

Devin didn't have a trial because he'd pleaded guilty to his crimes and, in fact, only had to spend one month in jail and pay a few fines. I was not looking forward to see Jake or Devin again, even though this  time, Devin was on my side.

Louis came into my room. "Taylor, we have to get going. Or we'll be late."

"I know. Thanks." I stood up and walked over to him. Unable to help myself, I murmured, "Harry should be with us. He should be at the trial."

"I know." He took a deep, shaky breath. "I know." His voice cracked, but he composed himself by saying, "Let's go."

We walked out to his car, and he drove us to the courthouse, where it would all begin.

* * *

I exited the courthouse. I'd already done my part there, and I couldn't stay anymore. Louis was currently making his witness statement about Celia, so he wouldn't be out for a while.

I took in a deep breath of the fresh air before walking off to go visit Harry in the hospital. I didn't want to be here to hear the verdict, and I was hoping there would be news on Harry.

It was a long walk, but, once I got there, I entered his room. I flinched at the sight of the many wires plugged into him and sat beside him. I'll never get used to seeing that.

On instinct, my hand gently stroked the top of his head, combing through his soft, curly hair.

For a split second, I saw him shift. I held my breath, looking for other signs before assuming that my eyes played a cruel trick on me.

Having false hope shattered me. I felt hot tears at the brims of my eyes and let them fall. I started to cry so hard that I couldn't breathe anymore.

Harry's POV

All I saw was blackness. Am I dead?  I almost thought I felt something on my head. Next thing I knew, I heard the sound of sobs. No, my eyes are just closed. Wanting to do something about the tears, I tried to open my eyes, but they felt like heavy weights.

Being stubborn, I forced my eyes to open. All I saw was blinding white light. After blinking for a while, I realized I was in a hospital room where Taylor, dressed in professional clothes, was crying. What happened to me?

I tried to speak, but no sound could come out. I wanted to reach my hand out to her, but it was limp and too heavy to lift.

A female doctor came in and gently guided Taylor out. Someone's going to help her, right? The same doctor came back in to remove the life support mask and some wires that I didn't realize were attached to me.

She asked, "How are you feeling, Mr. Styles?"

I croaked, "Fine. Water?"

She called a nurse to get a glass of water. "It'll be coming shortly."

I smiled appreciatively. Soon, a male nurse came in and helped me drink the water.

Now that my throat and mouth were moist, I said, "Thank you."

The doctor smiled. "You have a visitor outside. Taylor Swift. Shall I bring her in?"

"Yes, please."

She nodded, smiling, and walked out, coming back in with Taylor, who had stopped crying and actually looked overjoyed. "If you need anything, press the call button beside you."

Taylor nodded. "Thank you, doctor."

The doctor nodded and stepped outside. Taylor ran to my side and pulled me into a hug that startled me.

She murmured, "I thought you'd never wake up."

I suddenly remembered what happened and mentally shuddered. "Oh come on. I'm too stubborn for that."

She giggled. "I'm so happy to see you properly."

I smiled. "How long was I out?"

"Four weeks."

Whoa, that's a long time. "What did I miss?"

"Devin and Jake got arrested. Devin pleaded guilty and is already sentenced. Jake's trial is still going right now, but I finished my part there."

"Oh. Is that where Louis is?"

"Yeah, and the other boys too, though they didn't have any witness statements to make."

I nodded. "I feel so lost. How was it going while you were there?"

"It wasn't going in Jake's favor. Apparently, he's committed a lot of crimes before today."

"Ok... um, I'm not really following but... uh, how are you doing?"

"Me? I'm fine. I should be asking you that."

I smiled. "I feel fine, Taylor."

Except I didn't. 



I hope you enjoyed this part. Thank you to all of the people who have read it. Feel free to vote or comment.

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