★ Smartplanet?

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This story takes place after the war. This is a story of humor but canon ships appear.

It was a fine sunny day. Harry Potter was peacefully flipping through a document containing names of arrested Death Eaters.

It was now a year after the war had passed and those who passed on fighting would always be remembered. The existence of a hole in everyone's heart was beginning to patch up. Although Harry was the Chosen One, he knew that many other people suffered more than he did.

The Weasleys were the first family which came to his mind. The family which gave their all to support a stranger who was orphaned. The family who lost a treasure just because they fought for what was right. Harry sighed, rubbing his throbbing temples.

A beep sounded and a small smile appeared on his pale face. He had brought a smartphone for the Weasleys - especially for Ginny but don't let them know that - in order to communicate with them in case of any emergency. The enchanted mirror that Sirius had lent him sure was useful but Harry thought that since muggle technology fascinated Mr Weasley so much, why not get them a phone?

He ruffled through his robe pockets and took out the sleek smartphone that he brought for himself. It showed a notification so he unlocked it to take a view. To his annoyance it was a recharge message. Why are the telecom people so money-minded? After all, he still had five more days to go before the talktime would end. He placed the phone on the table after deleting the message only to hear the ringtone beep again. Taking a guess that it was another spam message he left it unattended that is until the beep sounded yet again and started buzzing continuously. His colleagues were staring at him oddly.

"Umm, sorry," Harry apologized before picking the phone up. There were five messages from the Weasleys! They read:


Ron small food no


I hay and Harry

Hooda moo

To say that Harry Potter was confused was an understatement. He was beyond confusion. What happened to them? Did someone attack them and they are sending sos? Panicking, he dialed their number. The ring rang for several agonizing seconds but no one picked. He dialed again in vain. Thinking quickly, he texted:

Ginny? Is everything alright?

He received not text but a call. However, it seemed that the Weasleys were video calling him. He looked around and found his colleagues shooting him dirty looks. Giving them an apologetic smile, he left the cabin and walked to the canteen.

When he picked the call, all hell broke loose.


"No what are you doing?!"



"No I said what?"

"No I did!"

"Guys, what on Merlin's soggy left sock are you doing?!"

"This smartplanet is fascinating!"

"Dad, you are on mall!"


"No it's call, you idiots!"

"We ain't as smart as you are, Granger."

"Umm, guys, hello?" Harry tried but the shouting on the other end was too loud for them to hear his feeble, embarrassed voice. The ones in the canteen were watching him with disgust.

❛Reminiscence❜ ─ Harry Potter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now