✨ I Found Love Where It Wasn't Supposed To Be

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The events in this OS might not completely have taken place in the canon. This OS takes place in different timelines.

"I found love. . ."

Lily Potter nee Evans totally agreed with the quote after two years into her marriage to James Fleamont Potter.

Their baby son, Harry, was going to die soon. . . because of them defying a madman named Voldemort. Oh, if only she had not loved James and Harry more, she would have never seen this day. Why did she have to suffer like that? What fair was it that when everyone could love their family, she was forced to forget them?

So, when she leapt in between Voldemort and her baby, a sense of fear as well as peace settled over her just before everything got dark; fear of how Harry will live and peace of selfishness. The next time she opened her eyes, Harry was right in front of her as a disheveled teenager, and battling her murderer.

Her heart ached the second time she was summoned from afterlife by Harry again but this time, he was alone and all grown up.

"Mum? Is it really you?" he had asked, grief in features.

"It's me. It's me! I'm right here, sweetheart," she replied, trying to caress his cheek but failing miserably as her palm passed right through his face.

"Mum. . . stay close to me." With that, he dropped the stone and Lily felt herself getting sucked away.

"Harry! Come back to me!"

But all that remained was silence. . .


"Where it wasn't supposed to be. . ."

James loved his son with every fibre of his being. The adorable fawn of his looked just like him and he eanestly wanted to stand beside the teenage version of him in front of the mirror. Perhaps, a Muggle photo will be a good memory as well.

But it just remained a dream. It was not meant to be. It was never supposed to be the moment James knew that he would have to face Voldemort.

He had resolved, firmly, that if he were to die in his dashing young age, then he would gladly do so by protecting his son and his wife.

"Just don't hurt Harry!"

"I can't lay around and argue with you. Now, get lost! Avada Kedavra!"

That was the end of him. The next time he was brought to the mortal world, he ambushed Voldemort to serve as a distraction for Harry to get away. After all, he was but fourteen and fighting the dangerous wizard alive was no easy task.

"On the count of three, Harry-"


"It's me, indeed. Use me as a focal point. You'll get the warning sign, okay? Now, one."

"I'm losing, dad-"

"Be brave, bud. Two."

"I don't think I'll make out of it-"

"You will, bud. Because I heard the one word I've always wanted to hear and your dad will never let you down. Now, go. Three!" And James leapt towards the noseless vile man, the white wisp of his body obscuring the scarlet eye's sense of sight. The last thing James saw was Harry grabbing the cursed cup.

Years later he was summoned back to Harry's world again. James felt a part of him break when he saw Harry's completely messy figure. Disheveled hair, tired and lifeless eyes, sad lips, fresh cuts, bleeding bruises, dirty clothes and most importantly, tear streaked cheeks.

❛Reminiscence❜ ─ Harry Potter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now