★ Furry Pawter ~ AU Humor

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This is a Harry Potter AU which follows the timeline of the books from The Sorcerer's Stone (Philosopher's Stone) to The Deathly Hallows.

Dedicated To::
Siriusly_Loony for being a splendid reader of Reminiscence. I love reading all of your comments pal!

It was a beautiful and cozy summer day. The perfect season for cats like me.

Oh well, where are my manners? I am Pawter, Furry Pawter! I am an handsome black cat with messy fur – the meaning behind my name – and dazzling emerald eyes which can make any feline in her right mind fall for me.

And that's part of my time pass activities: charming female felines.


Anypaw, me and my other meow-tastic furends, Romew Whiskers and Hermicat Clawver never have the quietest of lives. Purr-oblem loves to find us and take all the nine lives of cats like us.

The first year, we were tiny lil' kits, going to the huge cathouse-cum-school: Paworts School of Nine Life Magic. You know what? That was the year when three little kittens had to face their worst nightmare: a dog; let alone, a three headed one, meow!

There went one of our life. Eight bar nine, note it.

And then, it was our second year and we were still kittens. Our whiskers merely aged when we were forced into more misadventures. Hermicat was petrified by another rival of us, cats: basilisk. Romew's little kit sister, Felinny Whisker was paw-napped by the baddie No-paw-mort! Me, being the charming hero I am, dived into a slide, travelled through bones and snake skins and used my sharp nails to scratch the basilisk and kill it.

Bye to the another life of ours. We were left hanging with the magical number. Seven lives left to go to Coucheaven.

Third year, we returned, whiskers growing lightly and claws sharpening. As teen cats, we had to face creatures often featured in fictions human teenagers oh, so love to read about. Yep, you guessed it right: werecat.

Turns out my pawfather was not even the criminal he was made to be! And his friend suddenly morphed into a werecat that other night when me and my friends decided (intentionally!) to get into another midnight misadventure. Unfortunately, the real culprit escaped. That rat!

Did I mention that I was under a huge risk because of the good werecat? No? Now you know it then. Another life gone. Six left!

Fourth year. Then came the twist. Our Headmaster, Professor Alpuss Dumblebored had asked me, calmly, 'Furry, did ya put ya name in the Goblet of Fur?'

And I replied: 'Mi!'

Surely he didn't understand; the reason why I was forced to take part in the Tricat Tournament. I almost burnt my tail off in each and every task! From huge fire-breathing wildcats to mercats and numerous other felines of the wilderness, I managed to escape them all by a whisker! You heard me, a whisker, meow! To top it all, Cedlick Sleepory was killed brutally by No-Paw-Mort (he's back in whiskers and tail!). See ya in Coucheaven, mate.

Five lives. Note it down before you forget. You are gonna need it.

Fifth year. Ah, our tails were growing even more and my green eyes laid on this Scratchang, Mio Scratchang. She was just an emotional cat. I'd rather not purr about her. It was wet and Furry baby me hates water (meow!).

Anypaw, we met a new feline gal, Tuna Lovemilk. She's so different!

Then, there was this cat army which my friends and yours truly formed to defend ourselves against the wildcat, Umbrieow. She tortured us, cats and we had to keep our teeth shut but most of all, I lost my pawfather, Sirimeowsly Blackcat. . .

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