★ Corridor Gone Wrong

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This story takes place in the golden trio era. This is an AU humor oneshot.

Dedicated To:
My bestie Harrypotter195604 who is an amazing writer and friend. Honestly, this story is not fit to be dedicated to you because your talent is nowhere near mine. Keep continuing your good work, bestie! ❤

It was a peaceful day like any. I strolled through the corridors of my school, Hogwarts as it was a free period. My bag slung from my shoulder and I had Trevor in my hand. The toad was prone to getting lost and was more trouble than use. I took out a sugar quill from my bag and started munching on it, giving a tiny bit to my pet pal. Suddenly, he croaked and jumped out of my hand.

"Trevor!" I shouted and started my job again: chasing Trevor. He hopped till the corner of the corridor and stood still. I ran up to him and scooped him up before I froze. A fight was taking place in the corridor. "What the hell?"

"Oh, Neville! Join us!" Seamus said and continued looking at the mess of the two fighters: Harry and You-know-who. "GO! GO! GO! YOU CAN DO THIS HARRY!"

Spotting Ginny and Luna, I hurried to them. "Guys! How did You-Know-Who get in here?!" I asked them. Ginny frowned at me.

"He's called Voldy now. You better learn to use it, Neville. HARRY! DODGE RIGHT!" she shouted, deafening my ears. I looked at the fighting duo and saw Harry dodge You-Kno– I mean Voldy's hex. He looked at Ginny and winked before going back to the battle.

"Harry m'boy, do it!" Slughorn cheered and Voldy shot him a dirty look. The professor gulped. "Tom, m'boy you as well!"

"It's Voldemort!" he hissed and Harry shot a tickling curse. Voldemort started roaring with laughter.

"That's the spirit Harry! WIN! GRYFFINDOR WIN! GRYFFINDOR!" Dumbledore cheered on. What the real hell is happening here? Harry gave a thumbs up at the old man and dodged to Ginny's call.

Where was Ron and Hermione? I started scanning the crowd for them but I could not find them. As if to answer my question, Luna spoke up.

"Ron is yon, laughing his head off with a tub of chicken. Hermione's gone to get a teacher," she said.

"But Slughorn and. . . Dumbledore!" I managed to get out. She smiled and shrugged before watching the gameplay.

I looked at Ron and indeed found him sitting on the floor with Dean and Malfoy?! And with a tub of chicken in his hands, he was laughing and cheering Harry on. I had to put an end to this. . . outrageous battle!

I was about to interfere when Snape walked in. I froze in my spot as he scanned the crowd, the battle, then finally me. His dark eyes contained nothing but the usual and ever-present annoyance. He rolled his eyes at the fighting duo and left, his cloak bellowing behind him as went. Why did he even come here if he wasn't going to stop the fight?

"HARRY, SON OF PRONGS! SHOW HOW GREAT MY PUP IS!" I jumped at the voice and found Sirius beside me, egging Harry on. Harry fell to the floor and tripped Voldemort who did a somersault in the air before dramatically falling down. They rose to their feet again and started throwing curses at each other. My eyes could no longer witness this.

And that was when the even worst thing happened: Grandma Augusta came in between them. "YOU IMMATURE IDIOTS! YOU ARE FIGHTING IN THE CORRIDOR OF HOGWARTS AFTER GROWING UP?!" she thundered and I involuntarily cowered. Where did she come from? Her presence scares me, yeet!

The two fighters stopped, looked at her for a few tense minutes.Then Voldy looked at Harry.


"The fight isn't over, Voldy!" Harry shot back.

"Got your consent," Voldemort hissed and slashed his wand. My grandma was pushed to the side and into Trelawney who began prophesizing about Harry dying.

"Shut her mouth, someone," Seamus snorted and before anyone could move, he cast the silencing charm on the Divination teacher. "Annoying old bat."

"Couldn't have said better," Dumbledore agreed. Luna suddenly ran to the corner.

"She's coming! Listen up or nargles will attack you! Professor McGonagall is here! Attention!" she shouted. The crowd immediately broke apart and started hurrying however bars blocked both the sides to escape. McGonagall stood on the other side, Hermione behind her and Snape behind Hermione. The crowd let out a collective gulp in fear.

"If you think you are not in trouble, you couldn't be more wrong," McGonagall said.

"Oh come on Minnie!" Sirius whined. She glared at him.

"Potter! Seventy points from Gryffindor for duelling in the corridors. Voldemort, I cannot comprehend why you are obsessed over this poor boy. Seventy points from Slytherin for the immature behavior." Grandma Augusta started to cheer. "And Albus! How childish could you get being the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?! Who else is more childish than you are?!"

"Snape. . . Snape. . . Severus –" All of us turned in unison to look at Snape. He walked over to the crowd, his cloak bellowing behind him. Again. "Snape."

"Dumbledore!" Dumbledore exclaimed. Snape nodded at him.

"Snape Snape Severus Snape."


"Ron Weasley!" Ron joined in too. But the next one was unexpected.

"Hermione . . . Granger!"

"Snape –"


"Snape –"

"Ron Weasley."

"Severus –"

"Hermione. . . Granger!"



"Guys. . . " I whispered as almost everyone present started changing their names in a sing-song voice. "What's happening here. . ."

"Wait!" a hiss sounded and everything felt silent. Voldemort placed a sugar quill on the floor and looked up at me. "Voldemort Voldemort Voldy Voldy Voldemort!"

And something blasted. My eyes saw dark spots.

That was the end. It was a nightmare.

"Neville! Mate! It's time to awake!" I could hear Seamus's voice. I gingerly opened my eyes. He was looking at me and Dean, Harry and Ron were around me.

"Is the battle over Harry?" I asked. Harry's eyebrows rose in visible confusion.

"What battle?" he asked.

"Between you and Voldy."


"That battle in the corridor!"

"Err I guess it was a dream, Neville."

And realization dawned on me. It was a dream. . . no really, it was a nightmare. . . A nightmare of the corridor gone wrong!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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