✨ Never Not Mine

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This is post-war fic featuring the family relationship between Harry Potter and Teddy Lupin. This fic contains sprinkled scenes of Hinny (Harry × Ginny) and Tedoire (Teddy × Victoire).

Dedicated To:
Dark_Ghostie in hopes to make you feel better! :)

What does it mean to count the stars of a starless sky? Of the bright blue skies?

Teddy Lupin, aged fifteen and looking as scarred as ever, was sitting on the lawn of what was his Grandmother's house. He felt absolutely cheated. No, he was cheated.

It's just like counting something which doesn't even exist.

His lip trembled and his eyes burned as he tried to keep his tears at bay. He was just told the harsh truth he would ever learn in his life. The truth that his parents were not his real, biological parents. The fact that he was an orphan without no one alive on the cruel earth.

"Teddy?" A sweet voice called him in the most pleasant way his name would ever be called but he was a coward who could not meet her eyes. A pair of hands wrapped around his shoulders, coming to grip each other in front of his chin. The scent of honeysuckle enveloped the surroundings.

"I don't deserve this world. I don't deserve anyone. That's what they meant by telling it now," he whispered. A part of his heart had been whisked away by his Godfather!

"You know it's not truth, Ted."

"Don't try to convince me otherwise, Victoire. You know it. You knew it! I didn't! And now that I know, I can also comprehend the meaning of the monologue Harry said! It doesn't justify anything, not anymore. None of his acts justify what he feels now!" Teddy shot back, his hair turning an angry red.

"You blame Uncle Harry. What about Aunt Ginny, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione?" Victoire showed her logical side. If it was even remotely possible, Teddy's head drooped even further and his hair turned blue.

"I don't want to blame Ginny. . . she's been. . . she's been. . ."

"Like your mother?" Teddy nodded slowly and unsurely. "Wasn't Uncle Harry like your father, then?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Leave me alone."

"Well, unfortunately for you, I won't."

"Harry sent you, didn't he?" Teddy felt Victoire take in a sharp breath. "I know he did."

"He did not." She withdrew away from him. "I came here voluntarily. I overheard Dad talking to Aunt Ginny. From her tone I could make out how depressed she's feeling. You know her better than me, Ted. You know how she rarely gives into sadness. I know you know it but you are just too sunk to realize it. Teddy, they still need you. They love you, no matter your bloodline or ancestry. Think of it this way, you know more secrets about the Potters than even Uncle Ron. Admit it."

"Yeah but -"

"Why can't it mean that they want you and trust you more than Uncle Ron? Why can't you comprehend the fact that Uncle Harry told you about his childhood even though you are a kid yourself who is too young to imagine that?" Victoire pointed out as she settled beside him. He had no other option. She was far too right for him to prove wrong. Harry had confided in him loads of times. So many times that Teddy often doubted if James or Ron knew as much as he did.

"I-I guess you are right. . ."

"Teddy," Victoire cupped his cheek and forced him to face her. Pained brown orbs met determined stormy grey. "There's still time left. You can still mend it. What does it matter if they aren't your biological parents? Sure, I know I'll never know how you feel but if I were you, I'd be more grateful that someone as sweet and caring as Uncle Harry has taken care of me since I was a wee baby." A small bubble of guilt popped in Teddy's heart.

❛Reminiscence❜ ─ Harry Potter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now