♦ The Halloween Party

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This is a Halloween OS which takes place in an alternative universe. Those who died after Harry came to Hogwarts are alive (with the exception of the Dark of course). This story is a special OS to celebrate Halloween and is from Harry Potter's PoV. Slight ship scenes is present.

Dedicated To:
Adya11111 for being an amazing and loyal supporter. Thank you pal and happy Halloween!

The day woke with a bright sun showering its rays at the small, cobbled town of Hogsmeade.

I am not a Halloween soul so I lay lazily in the Leaky Cauldron's lodge's bed even after sunrise. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Harry, Harry Potter, a usual just bloke who likes treacle tart, flying and a redhaired witch. That is all. No Halloween, nope. It ain't my favourite.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" the high pitched shriek of my sister came to my ears and I threw the bedsheets over me to conceal myself and act as I was asleep. The door to my room slammed open and bossy stomps resonated throughout the shaky room, giving tremors to my bed. "Ugh! He's still asleep, Ronald!"

"Blimey Hermione but how the ruddy hell am I supposed to know that? He's an early riser so I assumed he would be awake!" his best mate, Ron exclaimed.

"Oh. . . It's okay then. Let's just tell Ginny that he is sleeping in. I feel sorry for her. Do you know Ron? She was about to ask him out for a date –"

"What?! Really?" I sat up in a start only to see Hermione's smug face and Ron smirking. They fist bumped and I realized it was a ploy. Groaning, I covered my face with my hands. "Darn it guys! I hate Halloween and you know it!"

"But Lupin has arranged for a party in the Shrieking Shack! Ginny's coming too! It's going to be so fun, mate!" Ron said, looking like a child.

"Forget it. I hate you both and Moony as well!"


It was half past five when I was forcibly side-Apparated to The Shrieking Shack with Ron and Hermione. They held onto both of my arms and dragged me to the most haunted place in Wizarding Britain. Standing outside the door was. . . Oliver Wood?

"Heya Harry! How are you doing?" the ex-Gryffindor Quidditch team captain greeted me. I smiled my best at him. He was still the cheerful self.

"I'm doing well, thank you Oliver. How about you?" I asked politely. He just smiled and nodded his head. "What brings you here?" The curious side of me could not help but blurt out that question. I thought this party was only for close friends and family.

"Decoration. I'm in charge of it. I'm waiting for that Lovegood girl to bring the printed spooky fliers. She said she'd be back but it's been what, ten minutes," he said, checking his watch. "I s'pose I must wait a while longer for Longbottom has gone with her to get the decorations. Merlin, those two take a long time! Why don't you and your friends get cozy inside, yeah?" He stepped aside and Hermione pushed me into the Shack. It was unfamiliarly warm inside.

"Ah, there you are!" Another familiar voice came and before I could even move a muscle, I was tackled to the ground by a shaggy dog. It licked my face so hard that my face felt so foreign and numb to me.

"Padfoot! Geffme!" I stuttered and finally managed to distance myself from my adult dogfather. Padfoot immediately transformed back to his human self: Sirius Black.

"Only a dog could do that to you, kid besides maybe your redhead," he teased and I snorted. The joke of some bizarre Potter curse hitting me never gets old when it comes to the Marauders.

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