♦ Dumbledore's Hospitality

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This is a Harry Potter AU One-shot written to commemorate New Year 2023. This OS in set in no particular timeline and contains all canon ships, mostly Hinny (Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley) and Romione (Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger).

It was the New Year's Eve when The Burrow was flooded by letters brought by a tawny owl. All of them had one message: invitation to Dumbledore's New Year Party at. . . Godric's Hollow?

Of course, Harry could not decline the invite. It was his Headmaster who had personally written the letters after all.

And so, that evening, he and Ron sat facing the cloth cupboard. "Mate, why don't we just pick something out blindly and wear it?" Ron questioned.

"But the girls want to match," Harry reasoned. Hermione and Ginny had strictly said that they wanted to match with their respective partners and this was approved with doe eyes by Mrs Weasley. That was why Harry and Ron were staring at the innocent yet cruel cloth cupboard for ten long minutes whilst questioning their own sanity.

"Heck, where do I get a pink robe from?" Ron exclaimed, exasperated. Harry shrugged in response. "What, green is much better than wearing pink!"

"You think so? It brings out my eyes for Merlin's sake and I definitely don't want everyone reminding me about my parents deaths again."

"Blimey mate! Oh wait, blimey!" Ron got up in a jolt and grabbed something out of his cupboard before holding it out in front of him for Harry to see.


"Your Yule Ball robes, Harry! You can use this, only you need to adjust the size. I bet Mum can do something about it," Ron suggested, throwing the cloth at Harry who caught it. It was still as good as new and although he did not particularly want to wear it, the fact that how Ginny would react anticipated him.

"Thanks Ron," he thanked before heading downstairs to get it adjusted to his current height.


Ten minutes later, Harry was standing in the living room, fancily dressed along with a grumpy looking Ron. He was wearing a blue robe which had a pink tie. The two boys were waiting for the girls to descend the stairs.

When they finally did, their jaws were left hanging for the chuckling Hermione and Ginny to shut. "Blimey Hermione! You – look – ruddy hell!" That was Ron's compliment. Hermione rolled her eyes, trying to act annoyed although a pink tint was present on her cheeks.

"Am I hellish then, Ronald?"

"Not at all! I meant you look amazing!"


Ginny looked at Harry, raising her eyebrows. His throat suddenly went dry. "You – look – er –"

"I look like some sort of stuttering idiot?" she asked, crossing her arms. Harry did not trust his voice so he just hugged her before everyone Apparated to Godric's Hollow. The place was filled with snow and resonated a peaceful vibe.

Harry looked to his side to see Ron and Hermione holding hands so he offered Ginny a hand too. However, she took his arm. They headed to a wall where the invite had requested them to come. A human-sized drawing of a house was stuck on it.

"Now what?" Ron asked.

"We go in," Hermione answered before leaving his hand and stepping forward. She flashed her invite at the doorknob and the paper door opened. "Follow my lead." She stepped in and disappeared. The door closed behind her.

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