♥ If You Love Her - Hinny

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This story is based on a song: If You Love Her by Forest Blakk. This is a shipping fic with Hinny (Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley) as the main pair.

Harry Potter considered himself a truly lucky man because he took what she gave: her heart. He took Ginny's heart to protect it in his arms.

She always has trouble falling asleep. And she likes to cuddle while under the sheets.

After the war, she always had trouble falling asleep. Nightmares plagued her consciousness and made him feel helpless. Until one night when they fell asleep on the couch in his flat, cuddled and cozy in front of the fire. Hermione even had a photo of it, framed and kept in Ron's room to annoy him. When the matter was brought up for a dose of light teasing, Harry felt his cheeks heat up and turn the colour of his girlfriend but still missed the warmth of that night which invited dreams and set a barrier against nightmares.

She loves pop songs.

Ginny loved songs and dancing, even if it meant with a clumsy footer like Harry. They would sneak into Mr Weasley's shed which contained all sorts of Muggle artifacts and steal the radio. Harry would set it so that it played pop songs then give her a shy hand. She would only take it with a bright smile and they would dance the evening away, taking as much warmth as they could from the other.

And dancing.

Harry particularly would often reminisce the moments when they would throw in rickety chairs and watch the bad trash TV in Mr Granger's storeroom. Oh, they would not leave even the Grangers alone; Harry did feel guilty about that at times. Watching Muggle movies and even cartoon at times, they would laugh and pass the whole afternoon just like that. He would never feel food-hungry with her.

She loves love notes.

Whenever Harry felt romantic, he would write love notes and send them to her with a bunch of lillies, her favourite flowers. The next time they met, she would make sure to give him an extra kiss on the cheek as a thank you for the note and would not stop talking about how lovely his initiation was. From that, he could make out she loved his notes - fragments of words coming from his beating heart which rhythmically worked for her.

And babies.

Whenever Teddy was sent to him to be taken care of, Ginny would happily volunteer to help him. Merlin, she loved his godson and Harry even felt jealous if her love for Teddy would one day best her love for him. Yet, he found it really cute and would dream about the day when she would hold his baby they way she was holding Teddy.

And likes giving gifts.

Ginny was extremely generous even if she was brought up witnessing the lack of money. She would give him rich gifts. From his birthday to no valid reason, she loved to give gifts. His most treasured one was the gift she gave him when she got her first pay as a professional Quidditch player: a silver snitch ring. Harry wore it all day long, often playing with it and calling it his lucky charm.

Has a hard time accepting a good compliment.

However, she really has a hard time accepting his compliments. She would either shy away, blushing the colour of her hair or hide her face in his chest. He would chuckle every time she became shy. Ginny sure was cute. If she did not do any of the above stated, she would give him a peck on his cheek, still her face as pink as cherry blossoms.

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