★ I Solemnly Swear I am in Trouble

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This story takes place in the summer before the start of Harry's sixth year.

Dedicated To:
nib_and_parchment for cheering up! I wanna make you laugh bestie! ;)

Curiosity filled the atmosphere surrounding The Burrow.

It was a fine Saturday, bright and breezy, yet boring. Ginny Weasley, the youngest inhabiting excluding all the animals lazed around her house in a crop top and a pair of jeans shorts which her father had took fancy to whilst going on a walk in the Muggle world. 'Ooh, that looks absurdly amazing! My daughter will love it!' he had exclaimed before leaving his wife hurriedly before she could stop him, to buy the piece of clothing. It was her father's affection which made her fancy the set.

The very Muggle loving man and his wife had now gone over to pay Bill a visit. They had forcefully dragged a reluctant Ron along as well.

Lazing around the house was surely not a Ginny Weasley thing to do; she loved and lived for being athletic and energetic. So when her elder brothers, Fred and George brought down a huge trunk with fancy looking items, she became curious.

"What's that?" she asked, trying to take a glance at what the items may be. The twin with a huge 'G' on his shirt turned around and clicked his tongue at her. Ginny knew, for a fact, that it was Fred who was pretending to be George.

"Tsk, tsk! This, is a wonderful test product little sis!" Fred exclaimed, dramatically rolling his eyes.

"And who will be the test subject?" she asked, mischief laced in her voice.

"We need the bloke who has dark bags under his eyes and is always, I mean it, literally always brooding over Merlin knows what!" George answered, rubbing his hands together. Ginny copied the action enthusiastically before sobering up.

"Hold on. Will it harm him?"

"He's the Boy-Who-Lived!" Fred exclaimed.

"The Chosen One!" George followed.

"The-One-Who-Conquered-The-Dark-Lord-At-The-Age-Of-One-Year-And-Three-Months!" they chorused together.

"But he's a human too!" Ginny shouted, looking exasperated. The twins exchanged glances before scratching the back of their necks in sync.

"He won't be a test subject, he'll be a helper! That's what he will be! After all, we cannot harm our sponsor!" Fred said and George agreed with a nod. Ginny nodded back before the mischievous look was back on her face.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."




"No way, Fred! Or George!"

"But why not?"

"Because I DON'T want to!"

Ginny sighed. This had been going on in the kitchen for the past ten minutes.

"No means NO!"

Making up her mind, she walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Harry was sitting on one of the dinner chairs, a glass of milk in front of him. After losing Sirius, he had, for some bizarre reason, taking to drinking excess of milk, which lead to a growth spurt; yet he looked as dashing as ever.

"Harry. . ." she said with a drag at the 'rry'. He gulped before turning to look at her. He was flushed, or that was what Ginny thought she saw. "Do you mind doing me a favour?"

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