★ Charming Smile

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This story takes place after the war. This one shot contains ship scenes (not mature) of Hinny (Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley).

Dedicated To:
WriterGHP for being an amazing friend and supporter. Love you bestie!

Ginny loved to wake up. She looked forward to every morning because her breakfast would be prepared by a master chef and it would definitely be delicious.

When her eyes opened for the first time that day, she saw a blank space beside her. Not really minding Harry's absence, partly because she knew he'd be downstairs in the kitchen whipping up a surreptitious meal, she sat up and stretched. The screech of something unearthly broke her moment of peace and she scowled at the window.

An owl was standing impatiently at the windowsill, a package in its talons. She opened the window and untied the package before tossing it a treat she found in Harry's cupboard and sending it away. "Brr. . . it's cold," she muttered to herself and shut the window.

The package was addressed to Harry and it was from. . . Witch Weekly? Why would the magazine company be writing to Harry? Surely he did not subscribe for it. Curiosity got the better of her, so she tore the brown sheet open and saw Harry's face printed on the cover, his lips upward in a Cheshire cat smile. He was scratching the back of his neck and the pose was strangely familiar to her. The headlines read, 'Harry Potter, The Winner Of This Month's Most Charming Smile!'

Ginny felt an odd bubble of enthusiasm in her stomach. Oh, she had perfect blackmail material.



Harry loved to hum to himself while he was cooking. He knew Wizarding as well as Muggle songs because of the beautiful radio his father-in-law had presented to him. More like repaired and gifted him but he liked it anyway. He was so used to turning it on each time he did dishes with Ginny or simply cooked alone.

"Bananas running down the street, na-na!" The radio sang in a shaky voice. Early morning signals were not strong.

"Bananas in jumpsuit jumping on the trampoline, na-na!" he sang the next lyric. Oh, how much he adored this life. Music about bananas was surely to be appreciated, he thought. So when the song suddenly paused, his face morphed into a frown.

"Harrys in Witch Weekly, smiling charmingly na-na!" This was a foreign tune but a familiar voice.

"Morning Ginny! Why'd you turn the radio off?" Harry exclaimed, turning around to face. . . his face. . .? "What the ruddy hell-?"

His wife lowered the book and smiled at him. Did he mention how her smile melted his heart even today? Along with his frown, that is.

"Merlin's beard!" she exclaimed. "Harry Potter smiled at me! HARRY POTTER!" she cried before dizzily spinning around. Thinking she was really feeling dizzy, Harry tossed the spatula away to catch her. He succeeded but then, "HARRY POTTER IS SMILING AT ME! OH MY AGRIPPA!" And she fainted in his arms.



Hermione Granger-Weasley enjoyed drinking her morning coffee in peace. With the birds chirping and the gentle drizzle of rain, the ambience was perfect. A shriek was the only thing that truly messed the serenity level.

"RON!" she shouted when she heard his shriek. The sound of him thundering down the stairs was heard and she ran to the landing. Unfortunately (or fortunately), he crashed into her and they tumbled to the ground. Something covered Hermione's face and everything went dark. "Geoff!" she managed. The weight on her shifted and she used her hands to take the thing off of her face.

❛Reminiscence❜ ─ Harry Potter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now