♦ One Night, Under The Stars

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This One shot takes place in the Deathly Hallows which might have probably happened at some point or the other.

Contains mentions of abuse.

One night, under the stars sat a ragged boy, mentally breaking down. His hair tousled and windswept, his clothes torn and dirty, tears streamed down his cheeks. The winter cold pinched his pale cheeks, further adding to his misery. Nights of restlessness, worries and days of running had done so much to him more than seventeen years of abuse. He bitterly doubted if he would ever go back to what he was or would simply pass on to afterlife just like his godfather and his mentor had done.

Hunting bits of his arch enemy's soul, treasures of an evil wizard was more tiring than he had thought; mentally as well as physically. He had lost his best friend to anger, jealousy and all other negativity that now surrounded their tent. The only friend he was now stuck with was as miserable as him, if not more. A though of selfish action rose afresh in his mind. Oh, how great it would be to simply run out of the country to some other peaceful one and forget everything about Hogwarts and, most importantly, Voldemort.

As they say, greed makes a person think about even murdering his best mate; Harry snapped out of it. The gunmetal of a chain clinked against his chest, warm and pessimistic, egging him to do just what he thought.

He tore it away from his neck, strandling it and tossing it in front of feet. The leaves around the locket burned away to ashes, leaving a clearing behind for the cursed jewel. Harry sighed, feeling much relieved as the adrenaline rush dampened like a fire put out by water.

He gazed at the stars, thoughts wandering to Hogwarts and all of his friends there. Wondering how Ginny would be, how Neville was doing, how Luna was coping, if Ron reached the safety of the castle; he spent the night just like that. With the stars above and a fresh determination to not let any of them down. They were all dependant on him to put a full stop to Voldemort's red rage. Perhaps, if Harry succeeded, even at the cost of his own life, all of them would live happily ever after, the one they deserve.


One night, under the stars sat a bruised boy, aching all over. His face cut and his cheek bleeding, his limbs aching all over as if he had run a thousand kilometres. His eyes were dim, only lit by nothing but the crackling embers of the fire of the Gryffindor common room. His bravery was diminishing, slowly but surely. They were walking out of time. Time to save others and be saved. Nights of planning, procrastinating the Carrows and days of enduring torture had done so much to him more than seventeen years of being without his parents. His grandmother had been there for him. She was even proud of what he was now but it was not the the same. He bitterly doubted if he would even experience something other than her love.

Trying to keep the younger students unharmed, and failing miserably had him knackered. With no more than twenty students by his side, two strong friends of which one now missing, he had no idea if he would make it out of this. He was definitely not unscathed. The Carrows had made sure to exploit him roughly, torturing him for days on end. He had no idea how he was actually sane and sitting upright at the couch in front of the merry fire.

The place beside him shuffled; he did not have to look to find out who it was. Luna was gone; missing and without a trace. It probably had to be his other friend. The only friend who now stuck with him and fought with him. "Ginny?"

"Y-yeah?" She was tortured no less than him, if not more. Only her glamour charms hid the scars procured by fighting for Justice, the useless word which never prevailed for the good.

The thought which had been running through his mind was voiced. "What if we – run away? Run away from Hogwarts. . . Help the others too. . . With Aberforth's passage way, of course. Just – just let Hogwarts to the ruins." He knew he was being incredibly selfish but he could not find any better solution. Neville, as well as the rest of the student population save some of the arrogant Slytherins, wanted nothing but to feel the fresh life outside.

"No." Neville eyed his friend. Her jaws were set, her brows furrowed. She looked as unscathed as an unicorn but that was not the reality, he knew. "No, we can't do that. We – we have to protect the home we grew up in, Neville. Don't give up hope. I-I know it's hard." A lone tear fell down and she rubbed her eyes harshly. "But we can't abandon the teachers, the good ones, and this castle. Luna wouldn't want us to do that. We can't give up now. We can't abandon him. Not him. . . Not Harry."

She was right, wasn't she? Neville felt as if his heart was made of glass which might break any moment but here was his friend, his first true friend who had made it a point to show that he was a Gryffindor inside and out. Perhaps they still had hope, a reason to survive through this all. Even if everything was over, he would fight on. Fight for Harry, for Ron, for Hermione, for Luna, for Ginny, for his Grandmother, for Hogwarts and the teachers of the Light and most importantly, for his parents who might, one day, be proud of who he turned out to be. He would protect them all, even if it ultimately came down laying his own life down, and lead them to live a life they always dreamt of.


One night, under the stars sat two brave, brave boys, lips aching from smiling. Hair just as messy as always but in a much cleaner attire, tears of happiness and laughter streaked down their cheeks. The warm summer air called for some summertime sadness, that was for sure. They reminisced about their past, which managed to catch up with them being afresh all the memories and terrors of it. But they felt relieved, much lighter than before as they gazed at the starry sky, their friends and companions beside them on the very same grassy glide.

The thought which forced out their selfishness and brought in selflessness blew through their mind like the humid wind. It was that one thought which was why they were here, feeling the life outside after fighting their fears, after fighting the evil, after fighting for justice.

Merry chatters filled the air but they were lost in thought. Thought of how the starry night sky had once been their guide, the fire to the ice of the world and the ray of hope to the darkness around. They found a way that one night, under the stars.

If you guys have any ideas/requests
let me know and I shall
try my best to write them!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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