♠They DID it!

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This takes place in CoS. The idea for this OS was given by Kylie (-silverrxses-). Thank you for the idea!

Dedicated To:

The train's engine chugged before it started to move with a loud screech of metal against metal. Grey smoke billowed out of it which almost made it impossible to see anything.

After a while only did Molly's eyes fix on the compartment housing her youngest daughter and Hermione, her youngest son's friend. Hermione was looking around and when she spotted Molly, the witch gave her a strange, questioning look.

When the reality hit her, she gasped, startling her husband.

"What happened, dear?" he asked gently, hiding his worry in his hoarse voice.

"Ron! Harry! Did they get into the platform?" she nearly shouted, catching several people's attention. Arthur looked at them and smiled awkwardly before patting her shoulder lightly.

"I'm sure they are with Ginny and Hermione," he assured her but Molly shook her head.

"I know they aren't! My heart. . . It says they are in trouble. . . oh, my babies are in trouble!"

"Calm down, dear. Let's check the station. Perhaps they went back to the car," Arthur comforted. Molly shook her head and took his hand which guided her through the busy crowd and out of platform 9¾.

They navigated around the crowd for several minutes before walking out of the station and to the parking lot. To their joint surprise, the Ford Angelia was nowhere to be seen. Molly started panicking again.

"What if – what if he got them? Oh no!" she exclaimed, clutching her head with her hands in exasperation. Arthur immediately put an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm sure they are safe. We should get back home and write to the twins asking if they are on the express." Molly nodded and together they found an empty alleyway to Apparate to The Burrow.

Once at their cozy home, which provided no comfort apparently whatsoever, Arthur summoned a parchment and an inked quill and took a seat in his armchair in the sitting room.

Molly sat at the arm of his chair as he wrote to her twin sons, Fred and George Weasley.

Their owl was sent in a flurry and feathery rush. The minutes which were spent waiting with anxiety was the most dreadful feeling Molly had ever felt in her whole life. So when the owl came, she snatched the letter from its talons, not even caring about the bird which hooted apprehensively. She tore it open with shaky and violent hands.

Dear mum and dad,
We (including Lee the cool guy) did a whole train search for our dear brother and the boy-who-lived and hence, we are writing this letter.


F - I suppose they took the flying car for a grand entry!

G - Just imagine that dad! Your ol'car being the subject matter of the Hogwarts rumor mill!

F & G - They are brilliant, aren't they?!

Your twins,
Gred and Forge

P.S. If you do find them (especially if they drive the car to Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, then write us! The mill is a bit too slow at times for our fancy).

Molly sunk into the couch behind her. If what the twins predicted were to be true, she just hoped against hope that Ron and Harry would be alright.


When Fred and George got their parent's letter, they were worried. A part of them was amused for what their brother and his best friend might have done with the car but most of their mind was occupied with questions like 'are they fine? Where are they?'.

They did a round of the whole express and even asked Hermione Granger and their sister, Ginny if they had seen the boys. When the girls replied in negative, they had Lee search along with them for the second time.

Every search ended in vain. They could not find Ron and Harry.

After a long search, they settled back in their compartment to take a rest.

"Look!" Lee shouted just as Fred proffered his water bottle to his twin. Their eyes followed the Quidditch commentator's finger and widened comically: The blue Ford Angelia was struggling to keep up with the engine.

Just as the watched, it tumbled over due to the turbulence and Harry was forced to hang in the air, holding nothing but the car's handle. The twins watched in prayer as Ron grabbed the Potter's hand and pulled him up with great difficulty. The car did an involuntary barrel roll and zoomed past them, overtaking the express.

Lee wheeled around and looked the Weasleys who grinned. After all, who rides a mental Muggle contaception to a home like Hoggy Warty Hogwarts? They DID it!

"They are brilliant!"


Molly was beyond rage when she received a letter confirming the twins' suspicion by the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore. Arthur was called in to the ministry for a penalty which increased her anger at the immaturity of both Ron and Harry.

Like seriously, who rides a flying junkbox to a school with several wizarding folk. BUT, they DID it!

How, did they think, would a mother feel if her children flew a wasted Muggle car to a magical school without any adult's supervision?

Oh right, they would not know that now.

But she had to warn her son to not put another toe out of the line.

All that was left to do to intimidate him was to send a special letter.

And an howler was sent to one, Ronald Billius Weasley, Gryffindor Tower, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

This was a request, so yeah.

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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