♥ Stronger - Scorily

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This is a next gen romance (Scorily) fic with the story revolving around three main characters: Lily Potter II, Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Granger-Weasley. This story is written as a friendly write-off challenge with my pal, Charms ( Charmed_Sunshine_22).

Dedicated To:
Charms (Charmed_Sunshine_22) for being an amazing inspiration for me.

It was a nice sunny day. The cool wind which blew through the grounds relaxed the chilling students who had their backs to the numerous trees on the yard.

It was the second of May, the anniversary of The Battle of Hogwarts. To mark the twenty-fifth year of independence from the reign of one of the most darkest Wizards to walk the planet, the day was declared to be a holiday; the reason why the students were relaxing.

Among the groups was a certain redheaded Gryffindor.

Lily Luna Potter, fifth year and a cheeky girl, was the only daughter of the Potters. When the day was declared an holiday, no one rejoiced as much as her; reading for the OWLs tired her out significantly and she was in a desperate need for a holiday.

Her friends, cousins, Scorpius and her brother Albus were sitting together and playing a game of Wizard's World Building.

"W. . ." Scorpius stated, wondering. Albus's last word led him to tell a word starting with W. "Whomping Willow?"

"It's done already," Nina, her friend told. Scorpius scratched his cheek and Hugo laughed. Lily chuckled politely. Scorpius always scratched his cheek when he was unsure or was nervous. She knew as much.

"Shall I help you?" Rose, her cousin, asked. Scorpius looked at her with a smile.

"Go ahead, Rose." The way he pronounced her name made Lily's lips curl downwards.

"Waddiwasi. It's a spell," Rose explained. Scorpius hit his head.

"How could I forget that?! You are brilliant, I must agree," he said with a grin. She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. Lily suddenly found the grass so interesting that she did not notice it was her turn until her brother woke her from her reverie.

"Redflower!" It was his nickname for her.

"Sorry, what's the letter?"


"Ilvermony," Lily answered and zoned out again until a prefect came over to them and whispered something in Scorpius and Rose's ears. The two heads nodded before getting up.

"They are arranging a feast for the memorial. Please get to the Great Hall. Scorp, go and gather all the Prefects and give the message but before that, inform those on the grounds," Rose ordered. The others nodded and left but Lily stayed behind as she was a prefect too. Rose looked at her. "Yes?"

"I am a prefect too, Rosey!" Lily teased. Rose turned red.

"Lily! I told you not to call me that!" she said, waving her arms around. The book in her hand hit Lily's head, causing her vision to spin. When the book came in for another hit, she steadied herself and in a moment of the reflex she inherited from her mother, she pushed Rose away, leading the bewildered girl to fall into the simmering lake with a loud splash.

"ROSE!" Lily froze. She started to approach the rippling waters but Scorpius shouted again. "What do you think you are doing, Lily?!" He ran back to the place where they were standing. Pulling off the black Hogwarts robes, he dived into the water.

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