✨ Out of Hell

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This story is a family os which takes place in OOTP.

Dedicated to:

It was a dull, cloudy day. The gloomy atmosphere in the Grimmauld Place gave no more solace than the weather did.

Sirius was sitting on a chair lazily, his arms behind his head as he hummed to himself. Suddenly, he jolted up, forcing Remus, who was nearby, to drop the vase he was cleaning. It fell to the floor and cracked into a million unrepairable pieces. The chair Sirius was on tumbled to the ground with a thud.

"What the hell, Padfoot?" Remus asked in an annoyed tone as he lazily swished his wand and mended the broken pieces. There was another loud thud followed with the sound of footsteps thundering down. The door opened spontaneously to reveal a panting Arthur and a worried Harry.

"What's happened?" Arthur asked breathlessly as he walked into the room.

"Ouch, guys!" Harry exclaimed as he was pushed to the ground as the other teenagers of the house arrived behind him to see what the commotion was about. Ron howled before he tumbled to Harry's other side and Hermione fell atop him with a shriek. Fred and George steadied each other and Ginny jumped like a cat onto the couch to prevent herself from getting trapped in the teen mess.

Molly hurried in from the kitchen and helped all the kids to their feet.

"What?!" she shouted at Sirius as she withdrew her wand. "What did you see?"

"The brilliance of me! That's what I saw!" Sirius replied, stars twinkling in his eyes.

"Shut up, Padfoot and come to the point," Remus reprimanded. Sirius grinned.

"Since it's hyper boring stuck in this hellish misery, I thought, why not go to a cinema?"

"A what ma?" Fred and George asked in unison. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It's a cinema!" she cleared.

"What's that?" Arthur asked, enthusiasm etched in his voice and face alike.

"It's something like a video," Hermione tried. Everyone looked confused so she continued. "It's basically a moving picture. Not the looped Wizarding photographs. It's a recording of moving images that tell a story."

There were whispers of 'oh' before Sirius piped up.

"What do y'all say then?!" he shouted excitedly. Remus clicked his tongue.

"No way, Padfoot. You know it. You are a wanted criminal and Harr –"

"Oh, which Muggle knows I am a criminal?" Sirius asked with a narrowed eye.

"Oh, which Muggle doesn't know that you are a criminal?! Have you forgotten that back when you escaped Azkaban, the Muggles were told you are a criminal carrying arms?!" Remus pointed out, mimicking best friend. Sirius looked desperately at Harry.

"Uh – what? I mean, erm. . . just – just this time please, Moony?" Harry pleaded. Remus sighed. After all, he could not turn his cub down.

"All right but you." He jabbed his finger at Sirius. "must behave!"

Sirius grinned and fist pumped the air. The twins started a victory dance.

"We are going to the llama to watch a moving picture!" they chorused.

"What about the tickets? And which movie are you going to watch?" Hermione asked, swatting away Fred's attempts to make her dance. Harry, however, was unsuccessful as he was forcibly dragged to wave around with the merry brothers.

❛Reminiscence❜ ─ Harry Potter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now