☩ Chapter Three ☩

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3rd Person POV:

Y/n was in an alleyway, leaning against one of the walls and lighting up a cigarette with their quirk.

Before Y/n could place it into their mouth, they heard a scream and plead for help.

Y/n silently listened in, carefully hiding behind a wall.


"Shut up, whore!"

Y/n peeked their head around the corner of the wall, only to see a couple of men crowding around a young girl.

"Strip!" One of the males ordered.

The girl was visibly trembling.

Y/n instantly narrowed their eyes, deciding to help; discarding their cigar onto the ground casually as they walked over.

"Oi...What do you think you guys are doing to this young lady?" Y/n bluntly asked, holding the ringleader by the shoulder.

The group of men seemed surprised, "Who the fuck are you?!" One was quick to ask.

"Excuse me, miss..." Y/n glanced at the female, "But I recommend that you escape now."

The woman shakily nodded, bowing in a quick thanks, before running off.

"Hey! That was our prey? Whatcha' doing defending her!?" The leader of the pathetic distribute irked in annoyance.

"That's no way to talk to girls, is it...?" Y/n narrowed their eyes dangerously.

The man trembled slightly at your gaze, as his group of men surrounded Y/n.

"ATTACK THEM!!" The ringleader screamed.

Y/n let out a huff of breath, quickly holding their arm outwards and using their blue flames to ruthlessly murder the henchmen in their way.

"W-...What...?!" The ringleader took a step back in utter fear, "Y-you killed them all!! You killed my men!"

"They are not men; and neither are you." Y/n bluntly approached the man, who backed up into a wall, "Real men treat girls with respect, you get me?"

"I...I won't do it again!!" The man pleaded, on his knees and praying up at them, "I-I promise!! Please...Let me go!!"

"If I didn't interfere...would you have let that girl go; if she was pleading just like you are right now?" Y/n's cold turquoise eyes glowered, "You didn't let her say no, so I won't let you."

With that said, Y/n burnt the man in a painful way; slowly and tortuously as he screamed in pain and fear.

With that said, Y/n burnt the man in a painful way; slowly and tortuously as he screamed in pain and fear

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"Scream louder for me, okay?" Y/n smirked, as it became silent.

Y/n blinked, "Oh. You're already dead." They stated with a shrug.

The bodies of all the men were now all ashes as Y/n casually walked away as if nothing had happened.


"The reason for Mikey's change was Y/n's death." 

Naoto's words keep repeating in Takemichi's head.

"I'll save...Hina, Y/n, and Akkun..." Takemichi glared determinedly at the ceiling, "I'll save them all..." He murmured.

From what Naoto had told him, Y/n was going to be stabbed in the abdomen with a knife and bleed to death.

As well as that, there was going to be a conflict and fight between Draken and Mikey, which would have a hand in Y/n's death.

Takemichi sighed, "Naoto...Why is the future so stressful..."


There was a meeting, and Takemichi had been kindly invited by Mikey.

Y/n had decided to chat with Mitsuya for a while, as Mikey and Draken could be a bit annoying at times to Y/n.

Some shouting could be heard which caught Mitsuya and Y/n's attention.

They then went over, only to see a male holding Takemichi by the collar and threatening the poor guy.

"Mitsuya." Y/n spoke, catching the purple haired males attention, "That's Takemitchy; Mikey's guest."

Mitsuya nodded, going over and dragging Y/n with him, "Are you Takemitchy?"

"T-That's the leader of the second division...Mitsuya Takashi.." One of the boys threatening Takemichi prior whispered, "And also Y/n-san! The second in command!"

Takemichi perked up when he heard Mitsuya's title, along with Y/n's name.

"Y...Yes." Takemichi confirmed to the duo.

Y/n scowled "Why are you guys threatening the president's guest?"

The males were quaking in fear, as Mitsuya kicked them.

"I'm sorry!" They were all quick to apologise.

Takemichi and Hina were watching with sweat going down their cheeks in slight fear.

"Follow us." Mitsuya spoke to the couple, getting on his motorbike; as Y/n also got on their respective motorbike.


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