☩ Chapter Ten ☩

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3rd Person POV:

Emma, Hina, Takemichi, and Takemichi's group of friends were all waiting by the hospital with worried expressions.

They were just informed that Y/n had a fatal stab wound, and was having surgery done at that very moment.

You had been stabbed in the abdomen, which had vital organs and blood vessels in.

To put it bluntly, if Y/n was stabbed deep enough, they would quickly bleed to death.

"This can't...be happening." Emma sobbed into Hina's arm, her voice shaking.

Hina gently held her blonde friend in a comforting way, her own eyes brimming with tears.

"No way..." Akkun murmured, staring at the door of where Y/n was having surgery inside.

Yamagishi quietly informed everyone, "They said it was fatal."

"Hina!! I'm so scared!" Emma trembled, resting her head on Hina's.

"E-...Emma-chan..." Hina snivelled, as the sound of stomping feet was heard.

Mitsuya yelled out Takemichi's name to gain his attention, "TAKEMITCHY! HOW'S Y/N?!" Mitsuya quickly asked, sweating a bit.

"I-IS Y/N OKAY?!" Peh hesitantly also asked, feeling extremely guilty.

"Mitsuya, Peh!!" Takemichi exclaimed in surprise.


"DAMN IT!" Mitsuya gritted his teeth, before punching the wall.

"No way...Kiyomasa did this?" Peh stammered in disbelief and extreme guilt.

"Before we got to the hospital, in the ambulance,...their pulse was already slowing down-...." Takemichi was interrupted.

"Takemitchy." Draken called, abruptly interrupting Takemichi's explanation. Takemichi gulped, slowly looking over, spotting Draken and Mikey.

"Mikey...Draken...!" Takemichi murmured, "Y/n is-...!!" He tried to explain, before getting cut off once again.

"Yeah. We heard." Mikey replied in a curt tone, "Where is the waiting room?"

Emma was quick to notice her brother and friends' arrival, "MIKEY! DRAKEN!"

Mitsuya and Peh then also perked up.

"D-Draken!...Mikey!...I-I...!!" Peh stammered, looking apologetic.

"You're being way too loud." Draken interrupted with a sharp expression, "We're in a hospital, so keep it down!"

It went silent as Draken's order.

Mikey sat down, as Draken followed; sitting besides him.

Mikey furrowed his eyebrows, "Y/n-chin...has always made good on their word; since way back then." Mikey quietly spoke, "They're not going to die here. They'd never be that dishonest."

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