☩ Chapter Fifty One ☩

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3rd Person POV:

Takemichi's eyes opened as he woke up in bed, tears built in his eyes.

"Hurry up and get dressed! I've made you breakfast!" Takemichi's mother exclaimed to him, "You're a high schooler yet you still don't act like one!"

Sweat began to drip from Takemichi's face, the realisation finally hitting him as his jaw dropped. "Have I...time travelled??!"


In this timeline, it has been six months since the Tenjiku incident.

"Boss!" Sanzu grinned at Mucho from behind his mask, "Congrats on your reduced sentence." Sanzu greeted.

"Sanzu..." Mucho met his friend's eyes as Sanzu led him to a car. As they got in, the duo began to drive to a certain area.

"We are...-" Mucho looked around, instantly recognising the place.

"Yes. The Kanto Incident was here." Sanzu bluntly confirmed, taking out something from his bag, "I've been waiting for this day for way too long..." He muttered to himself.

Sanzu took out a katana, and stabbed Mucho across his body, "YOU TRAITOR!!" Sanzu smirked widely as he yelled.

"S-SANZU?! W-What the...-" Mucho's face paled, sweat dripping down his forehead as he finally processed what had just happened.

"I've been lying to you since that day..." Sanzu spoke with a disinterested tone, "Remember when we were playing Shoji?" Sanzu smirked from under his mask.

"I told you...The King and Queen are the most important pieces - more than anyone else!!" Sanzu took off his mask as he glared down upon Mucho, "Checkmate."

Sanzu continued to slash Mucho, making sure not to kill him so quickly. It was evident that Sanzu was planning on torturing Mucho to death and not just making it all instant.

Tears ran down Mucho's cheeks due to the utter pain he was in. "So...this is the result of my betrayal..."

Weeks later, Sanzu was walking in the city without his usual mask. He glanced up, noticing the news was on.

"Today's news...A skeleton has been found in Tokyo's bay. Police are still trying to figure out the identity of the victim." The news woman announced causing Sanzu to perk up.

A wide shit-eating grin appeared on his face, as he continued to walk through the streets; knowing exactly whose skeleton that was.


Takemichi was panicking as he began to run to school, "This isn't twelve years ago...This is ten years ago!!!" He inwardly screeched.

"I'M IN HIGH SCHOOL! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!" Takemichi yelled at whatever was above him, his eyes almost popping out from shock.

Soon after, Takemichi gets greeted by Yamagishi, Makoto, Takuya, and Akkun.

However, someone swings their arm around Takemichi's neck, "YO!! TAKEMITCHY!" The person loudly spoke with clear warmth in his tone.

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