☩ Chapter Forty Six ☩

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3rd Person POV:

A younger Kakucho was piling up dirt, placing a stick on top of it. He held a mournful expression.

"That's a cool scar you got there!" A younger Izana exclaimed, "What are you making?" He tilted his head innocently.

Another white haired person stood besides Izana. The duo both were staring down on Kakucho.

"...My parents grave. They died in an accident." Kakucho looked down at the 'grave' he made.

Y/n tilted their head, "So that's how you got your scar?" They bluntly asked.

Kakucho's eyes flickered towards Y/n's burn scars, making him frown a little. "Leave me alone." Kakucho stated, "If you talk to me, you'll get bullied too." He held a dejected expression.

Izana then smiled, before kicking the 'grave' of Kakucho's parents.

Y/n deadpanned, "No need to go that far, Izana." They snickered.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL?!" Kakucho panicked, as he tried to rebuild the poor excuse of a grave.

"Forget about the people who died." Izana spoke, gripping Kakucho by the collar, before putting him back down.

Y/n nodded, "Yeah! They won't be around to protect you anymore anyways." They announced.

"Mhm! You aren't worth anything, so no one is going to protect you." Izana shrugged, making Y/n sweatdrop.

"Do you get it? That's why Y/n and I will give your life value!! From now on, I'll be your king, Y/n's the queen, and you're our servant!" Izana declared.

"HUH?! I DON'T WANT TO BE A GIRL!! THEY'RE SCARY!" Y/n stuck their tongue out in disgust. Younger Y/n was very scared of girls.

Izana smirked, "It doesn't matter!" He stuck his tongue out as well.

Kakucho's eyes began to tear up, which Y/n immediately noticed. They held Kakucho's cheek gently, as Izana spoke once again, "Live as our servant."


The present Y/n stared at Izana, "In chess, the queen can carry the king's defence, but they don't serve him." They bluntly explained.

Izana had an irk mark, but said nothing.

"I only fought for you two...But when Y/n left, I only fought for you, Izana." Kakucho admitted to the duo, "No matter how twisted your thoughts are, i'll gladly die for both of you."

Y/n's eyes widened slightly, "Kakucho...would die for Izana and I?"

"So, please...stop showing yourself like this...I don't want to see you in such a horrible state!" Kakucho began to tear up.

It was silent for a moment.

"Hey, executives. Don't just stand there and watch." Izana dully said, "Hurry up and kill Kakucho."

The Haitani brothers, Mucho, Mutou, and Madarame all stayed where they were and didn't move; all utterly shocked by Izana's demand.

"Izana!" Y/n gripped the male from both shoulders, "Don't you get it?! None of your executives, including Kakucho, can win this!" They exclaimed with a scowl.

"Go away, servant! Queen!" Izana gritted his teeth, "I'm not done yet!!"

"TENJIKU LOST, IZANA!" Kakucho shouted, trying to get Izana to realise their gang had lost.

Izana's eyes were wide and had red cracks in them, "SHUT UPPPP!!" He yelled out in anger and agony.

Suddenly, the gun was raised once again, and shot out a bullet. "Got dammit, you're so fucking annoying." Kisaki groaned, only for him to notice that the bullet did not hit it's target.

Instead, there were flames.

Blue flames.

Blue flames

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