☩ Chapter Nine ☩

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3rd Person POV:

"Where are we, hell?" Y/n questioned with a deadpan.

"This ain't hell...It's LIMBOOO~!!" Shinichiro exclaimed, shaking his hands dramatically.

Y/n looked around, "I thought it was hell 'cause you're here." They bluntly stated.

Shinichiro felt an invisible arrow strike his heart.

"You're so mean now you're all grown up!" He whined, "You used to be so cute and trail me around like a little duckling!!"

Y/n's face flushed a little, "Shut up or i'll punch you." They threatened.

Shinichiro began to nervously sweatdrop, "O-Okay...!!"

"Okay, but...Why the hell am I in limbo...?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, "And why are you here?"

"Well, I have no clue why I'm here. I was in heaven; doing drugs and shit." Shinichiro stated making you deadpan, "However, this area is the place between life and death."

Y/n perked up a little, "I see...So you're just here to say hello or whatever?"

Shinichiro deadpanned, "Sure."

Suddenly, Y/n's body began to fade.

"You're waking up; you're surviving." Shinichiro examined how their body was fading away, "Take care, Y/n."

"Also...Keep your eyes on Hanagaki Takemichi. He's a-..." Shinichiro quickly cut himself off, "A...good kid."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "Suspicious..."

"And take care of Mikey because he's fate-..." Shinichiro's final words were cut off by Y/n fully fading back to reality.

Shinichiro sighed as Y/n disappeared.

"fated to...never be happy in every timeline..." Shinichiro murmured to himself, continuing his sentence, despite the fact he couldn't tell Y/n it.


Y/n's eyes widened as they awoke, "Mikey is fate-...? He got cut off..." Y/n frowned a little, their mind racing due to Shinichiro's final words, "And...Takemitchy?...What does he have to do with this...?"

"Takemitchy..." Y/n's voice rasped out, causing Takemichi to jump slightly.

Takemichi's wide eyes turned towards the previously unconscious person, "Y/n...?"

"Thanks, Takemitchy." Y/n murmured, getting up while holding their stab wound; applying pressure so they wouldn't pass out again.

Emma's eyes flickered over to her crush, "Y-Y/n?! Don't move! You're going to get hurt!!" She exclaimed with a worried tone.

Y/n glanced at the female, "Takemitchy...Take Hina and Emma, and get out of here."

Takemichi paused, staring at you with wide eyes.

"Hurry up, Takemitchy..." Y/n murmured.

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