The visior

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When i woke up this morning i remembered we had a visitor today. I got up and checked the time on my iPhone. 9:30am. Thats early for me. I quickly jumped in the shower and washed my hair. As i was getting dressed my hair dried naturally. I have a pair of black skinny jeans, white vest top, black leather jacket and black high tops. I put on some mascara and eye liner then grabbed my black D&G sunglasses. I grabbed my iPhone 4, beats head phones and put them in my handbag along with a mascara and eye liner for later. I picked up my bag and walked out in time to see Sophie, Kallie and Bella. Soph was wearing the same as me apart from she had a red vest top on instead of white. Kallie was in white skinny jeans a black short sleeved top with LOL! written on the front of it, with white high tops. Bella was wearing a dress that came just above her knee and it was white with black dots and a pair of black strappy sandals. All of us had D&G sunny's. We made our way downstairs to breakfast. The boys had got there early and taken the window seats.

"Sorry sis looks like we get the better seats" Harry said smirking.

"Oh well i'll get you back later don't worry" I said putting my hands on my hips. Soph did the same. Humans couldn't tell me and Sophie apart. And a wolf can only do it by our scents.

"Sophie you don't have to be exactly like Jenna" Cameron said throwing his hands in the air. Me and Soph looked at each other and laughed. They are so delusional. We took our seats opposite the boys.

"Mum where Gabby and Jessie" Bella asked Lisa. Lisa shrugged and turned back to Keegan. Bella rolled her eyes. Soon after Gabby came running in. She looked almost the same as me. Gray skinny jeans, a vest top that says OMG! and gray ankle boots. Jessie was in a tight pencil skirt, black vest top and black blaser with black sandals.

"Jessie what in the world are you wearing" Lisa screamed.

"Calm down mum, she looks cool" Bella told her mum. Lisa shook her head but sat down. Jessie and Gabby to the two remaining seats.

"Mum who's the guest" Henry asked our mum.

"An old friend shall we say" Mum said smiling at the other adults. Dad didn't like it and pulled mum close to him. That was strange but i let it go. After breakfast Mum told us all to go sit in the lounge.

"Oh an all of you take of your sunglasses we are inside" Keegan shouted after us. as he is Alpha we did as he asked. None of us like taking our sunny's off. We all sat on the large corner sofa an waited.

"Whats going on" Jamie ask.

"We have a visitor dummy" Jason said slapping the back of his head.

"No i mean Yasmine said 'an old friend shall we say'. I sounded more like a private joke" Jamie said looking at the rest of us.

"Yeah and dad got all protective of mum" Gabby said. We all nodded.

"We'll find out soon enough" Cameron told us.

"Shut up Cam" Bella yelled.

"BELLA" We shouted at her. It was normal for Bel and Cam to argue they do it all the time. We all sat there chatting for about an hour before the adults finaly came inand sat on chairs and some on the floor.

"Ok you guys deserve to know the truth. The visitor who is coming today caused a alot of trouble when i joined Keegan's pack years ago. As you kids know Adam isn't my mate. The visitor who is coming is called Shane, he has a son called Jace. Shane is my mate. we where together until i found out he was cheating on me with Adam's mate Taliya. I was heartbroken. Adam and me started dating and got married pretty soon then had our kids. You have all met Jace the first christmas we all spent together before Jack passed away. Not my son Jack but my nephew. Shane is coming today because Jace never talks to anyone, he said he missed you guys. Jace is 18. They are coming for the day. Please be nice to both Shane and Jace" As mum told us this i remembered the boy. He was kind and sweet but i don't want to meet his dad. How could he do hat to my mum.

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