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Jace's pov

After the girls had left i walked straight back in. She hadnt moved, her skin still looked as if it would rip any moment. I bent down and placed my lips on hers.

"Jace"I heard a faint whisper. I looked down and saw Jenna was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Baby" I whisper. I crash my lips to hers, she pulls me close. I pulled back because i needed to cheak she was alright. "Jenna are you ok".

"I am now" She told me. Just them Carlie walked in smiling.

"Hello Jenna, I'm glad your awake now" She said sweetly. "I just need to do a few cheaks before i can tell you whats wrong".

"Carlie what do you mean wrong, didn't i just have a brakedown" Jenna asked.

"Well no, there is somthing not quite right with your wolf and her brain. Nothing to do with your human side but your wolf has a problem somewere" Carlie told Jen.

"My wolf, will i loose her" Jen asked worried.

"At the moment i dont know" Carlie said. Jen looked as if she would cry.

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