Hard Life

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Jenna's pov

This is horrible. I spend everyday wondering if Jace wonders about me. Its been a week and still no one has come or contacted me. Wait I've heard from Bonnie and she's coming to visit today. I dont leave the cabin, its easier to cope with heart brake. I dont have to tell people why I'm sad or justify why i dont want to speak or put on a fake smile and act happy, I can just do as i please and cry as and when i like. I do that a lot, brake down and cry until i get it all out(for a while). My cabin is lovely, dark wood all over the floor and walls. A cream sofa and two cream arm chairs, a big stone fire place in the living room. The kitchen is fully equipped with fridge/freezer, oven and cupboards filled with food, drink and utensils. My bedroom had a large King Sized bed with black covers and pillow case with a black rug in the middle of the floor, a big oke dresser with large mirror. The other bedroom was almost the same apart from a white bed cover and pillow. Bonnie will stay there for the time she stays. The doorbell goes and i get up from the floor by the fireplace. I opened the door and there was Sophie. My sister and best friend. I pulled her into the Cabin.

"Sophie why did you come" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Jenna your my sister, I'm not letting you go through this alone" she said seriously. The doorbell went again and outside was Bonnie. Her long honey hair waving in the wind.

"Hey Jen" She said smiling.

"Hi Bon" I said gibing her a weak smile. She walked into the lounge. Sophie looked up.

"Um hi Sophie" Bonnie said slowly.

"Yeah Hi. Why are you here" Sophie asked not being polite at all.

"I asked her to come Sophie. She tells me about Jace and then tells him about me" I said. Sophie looked shocked. "Ok so Bonnie hows he doing".

"Same as you. I've tryed getting him to go out but he refuses to leave his room or talk to anyone" She said sadly "Mum and Shane have tryed but he says the same as you ' its easier to cope with heart brake'. We dont know what to do anymore".

"Oh Bonnie" I said braking down in tears. Sophie pulled me into a hug. "I'm coming home Sophie. Bonnie get Jace and your parents to the mantion in Hawii as soon as possible. I have to talk to my dad and Keegan about some things". I stood up and walked out to Jamie's motorbike.

"Lol Jen i got Jason's" Sophie said laughing. Yeah her boyfriend gave her his motorbike. SO sweet. Yeah i know about them cuz one day back at out normal pack house i walked into Jason's room to borrow a school book and they where sat on his bed kissing. I left.

"To right he did" I said looking at the floor.

"Jenna what do you know" Sophie asked putting up defence.

"Well you are kinda dating one of our best friends. I found out when i went to ask him for a book and you two were sat on his bed kissing" I said laughing. Sophie blushed. Bonnie got in her car and drove off. Me and Soph got on the motorbikes and drove off to our mantion in Hawii. I got there and everyone was waiting outside. I ran to Harry and he hugged me close. Cam joined in the hug and the other kids did as well. The adults stayed away from me.

"Welcome home Jenna" My cousin Lucy said.

"Thanks Luc" I said smiling at her.

"Are you glad to be back honey" Dad said.

"I was until you spoke" I sneered.

"JENNA" Keegan growled.

"Leave me alone Keegan, i dont want to here it" I told him. Just then Bonnie and the guys turned up. The four of them gout out of the car and walked over. "I want to talk to everyone. Can we go to the meeting room" I asked. Everyone made their way upstairs.

"Hello beautiful" Jace said as he walked past me. I giggled but didnt reply. We all made it to the meeting room and everyone took a seat. I stood at the head where Keegan normally stands.

"Now, i ran away because I feel ashamed of my own pack. Keegan and Alpha should not try and keep mates apart. Me and Jace where chosen to be together for a reason. I'm sick of being treated like I'm still five. I'm 17. If i'm old enough to drive I can have a boyfriend. If it where Harry you would act completly differently. Even if it where Sophie. You treat me the youngest when in fact Henry is 11. If you don't take back your command on Jace I'm going to the Wolf Council and asking for their help. Keegan you could loose your title if i win the trills. Dad I would no longer be legally your daughter if i wished and i would become a rough. That is how serious I am" I said looking directly into Dads eyes.

"Jenna nothing is changing. You will not go to the Council. Jace has rejected you and that is the end. No descution" Keegan said sharply.

"Yes Keegan i will. I want my mate and he wants me. Who are you to stop mates being together" I said getting angry.

"I'm your Alpha Jenna. Remember that next time you act up" Keegan said his wolf rising.

"Dad stop. She's my best friend." Kallie said and i gave her a warm smile.

"NO. STOP STANDING UP TO YOUR ALPHA. JENNA I'M CLOSE TO KICKING YOU OUT OF THE PACK SO GET THE IDEA OUT OF YOUR HEAD. YOU AND JACE WILL NEVER BE TOGETHER." Keegan yelled. Tears began to fall down my cheeks. I turned and walked out the door. I went down the the beach and sat on the sea shore. A few minuets later Jace came and sat beside me. He wrapped his arm around my waits and pulled me onto his lap.I lent my head down and kissed him. He kissed me back with so much love i didn't know how i was going to cope without him. I wound my hands in his hair and he held my back. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you to" I told me. Then he placed me back on the sand. "Goodbye Jenna". He then turned and i watched as he drove away. This wasn't ever going to get easier. I will never love my dad again, not the way i used to. Cameron came and sat beside me. "Cam will you be able to take back the command when you become Alpha" I asked hopefully.

"No, I'm sorry. Once on Alpha makes a command that same alpha is the only one who can take it back" He said sadly. I got up and walked away without saying anything. What was there to say. I got to the mansion i opened the doors. Nobody was about. All of them will be at dinner. I went into the kitchen and drabbed myself a plate. I sat at the kitchen counter and ate on my own. Once i was done i washed up the remaning dishes until i heard my dad walked into the kitchen. I dropped what i was holding and walked out. I ran up the stairs and to my room. I got inside and went straight to the bathroom. I got showered and into a tank top and jogging bottoms. I took my iPhone and Beats headphones out of my bag and plugged them in. I began to listen to 'Begin Again' by Taylor Swift. I was halfway through when Bella came into my room.

"Jenna we're all going to De Luna. You coming" She asked. I shook my head and listend to music again. Around 12:30pm I desided I didnt want to listen to more music. I put my phone onto charged and opend my door. The hallway light was on but that was normal. I walked downstairs and into the lounge. I lit the fire palce then curled up beside it. This is what i miss about my cabin. It was so small that most of the time it was warm then i come back to these huge open rooms with so much air and not enough heat. I sat there until i heard the limo pull up outside. I didnt want to see everyone so i went to bed. Maybe in the morning I'll talk. Maybe!












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