The Date

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"I'm ready" I whispered. I looked at the girls one more time before i walked out of the room and down the stairs. Mum came out of the kitchen.

"You cant ignore us forever Jenna" She said quietly. "I know where your going, Keegan told me".

"Course he did. Can't let me have anything" I said.

"Just me and Lisa know and i assume the guys know. Your father dosnt know" Mum said softly.

"Well then, i have a mate to see" I giggled then hugged my mum "I love you". I turned and walked out of the door. It's 4:00pm and I'll get there around 9:00pm. I got to my Mazda. How i missed my baby. I took off my shoes as i cant drive in heels. I slipped into the drivers seat and began the engine.

5 hours later

I arrived outside my Cabin. I love this place. I walked up the winedey pathway. I opened the wooded door and walked inside. I smiled at what i saw.

Jace sat there on my sofa in a tux. I ran to him. He wrapped his arms around my tiny body and wouldnt let go. I stood up on my tip-toes and kissed him. I wound my hands around his neck pulling him closer. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"Hi baby" he whispered.

"Hi" I whispered back. "I missed you".

"I missed you too" he said chuckling. Jace took my hand and lead me out of the back door into the large open garden. In the trees were fairy lights and all around  the ground were lots of candles adding to the magic. Then in the center was a large rug and a picnic basket. Jace scooped me into his arms and sat me down on the rug. He sat himself down beside me. "Is this an ok first date".

"Its perfect Jace i couldn't have asked for a better one" I said giggling. Jace opened the basket and brought out boxes one by one.

Ham Sandwiches

Cheese Sandwiches

 Peanut butter Sandwiches

Strawberry's dipped in chocolate

Chocolate fudge Cake

and a Bottle of white wine

"I'll have a Peanut Butter sandwich please" I said happily. He handed me one and i began to eat. He had the same as me. After we had both finished out sandwiches he took out a strawberry and held it to my lips. I took a bite. Then did the same with him. Jace poured us a glass of wine. I sipped at it.

"Do you want some cake Jenna" He asked. I nodded like a little kid. He cut me a slice then fed me. This was the most amazing date ever.

Once we were done both of us lead down and looked up at the stars.

"Jace I have to be home for the morning other wise dad will wonder where i am" I whispered.

"Ok baby" He said getting up. He carried me to my car the out me down beside the drivers door. "You wont get back till 5 in the morning baby are you going to be ok".

"Promise Jace. I'll text Harry or Cam and get them to meet me outside the front" I told him.

"Why cant you text one of the girls" Jace growled.

"Because they all need sleep and dont get jealous babe i love you" i said kissing him. I pulled back sooner than he would like. "i have to go". I slid into the drivers seat and took out my phone.


Hi I'm on my way home can you please meet me at the front of the pack house cuz then if dad see's he wont have a go at me xxx

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