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Jenna's pov

I'm glad Cam found his mate but it's still hard to be around people. Jace rarely leaves my side.

"Will it get easer" i asked Harry who was sat on the sofa with me.

"I don't know, I hope it dose" He answered. His phone rang so he left. I was on my own, i hate this. I don't like being on my own because i think to much.

I fell asleep but when i woke up the room was pitch black and i was in a bed not the sofa.

"JACE" I screamed "JACE" i screamed again "JACE WHERE ARE YOU" I was getting hysterical. My breathing sped up and i got dizzy "JACE DON'T LEAVE ME" i began to cry. I ran out of my room shaking and hyperventilating "JACE, WHERE ARE YOU, WHY ARN'T YOU ANSWERING". My brain kept wirling with thoughts. "JACE". I was getting confused. I stumbled into the living room. Everything was blurly. "JACE".

"JACE MAN, JENNA NEEDS YOU" i heard Jamie shout.

"WHERE IS HE" i screamed. Nobody came and i felt a sharp pain in my arm. I saw nothing and colapsed onto the floor. With no Jace.

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