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Yes she was the only one in our pack who died. This is how i found out.


I was doing a scan after the fight was finished when i came across the sent of Sophie's blood. I had hoped that it was just a little blood from a cut or something but when i got there her body lay limp with cuts and scratches all over it. Her neck had a huge bite mark and her back had a huge chunk out of it. I howled to signal a falled member. I got howls in reply to pay respect. I bent down and licked her soft fur. I wimpered in hurt. My wolf was destrote. He sister had been killed and we both wanted revenge.

end of flashback

Now we are a week after the fight and i'll never be the same again. The only better thing is i have Jace. Dad saw there was no way i would make any improvement without Jace. Me and Harry are pretty much zombies. So is everyone else but no nearly as much as us. I cant look in a mirror because we looked the same and i just cant face seeing 'her'.

Tears are running down my face at the thought of her.

"Baby please dont cry" Jace said pulling me into his lap. I nuzzle my head into his neck. "Cameron was asking for you". Oh and the other thing. Cameron, Jason and Jamie faced the leader of the rouge attack and all three of them are lucky to be alive. Scratches all over their bodys broken arm and leg, head truma. I jumped up and ran to the infermary. Seeing Cameron always makes me smile.

"Jenna i asume your hear to see Cameron" Lila, the nurse, said.

"Yes Jace said he was asking for me" I said wiping away the tears falling down my cheaks.

"Go on through. Sorry Darlin' i wish we hadn't lost anyone" Lila said seriously. I nodded and walked into  Cameron's room. He was lead on the bed. Same as every other day i've come to see him.

"I'm so happy to see you" Cameron said his eyes lighting up.

"You need to get better. I hate seeing you like this" I whispered taking a seat beside the bed..

"I'm trying. Lila's said a couple more days and the three of us will be fit to go. Jamie and Jason slowly sat up in their beds.

"Hi Jen" They both said.

"Hi guys" I whispered. Theses are my best friends and cousins(sorta) seeing them like this is killing me but more the fact that i lost my sister.

"How are you coping Jenna" Cameron asked me.

"Better now that Jace is here. Cam Harry needs you, he really dose. Jessie and Henry don't seem to understand that Sophie's gone or why your hurt. They haven't shifted none of this makes since. We all need you" I said tears running down my cheaks. I looked into his eyes and saw sadness.

"I'm the futer Alpha and i'm here in the infirmary. I look like a wimp" He said getting frustrated. Just then the door opened and a small blond haired girl walked in.

"Hello i'm Carlie, i'm a new nurse here and you boys need checkin" She said. Carlie walked over to Cameron first. She touched his arm and her growled.


"I'm yours" She said happily. I Desided to leave them alone.

"I'll come back tomorrow. Bye boys" I said and walked out.

Carlie's pov

This is so strange but i don't think he'll like the fact that i have a 3 year old little girl. First let me intrudes myself.

Hello I'm Carlie Simmons. I'm 20 years old. I got pregnant at 17 and had my little Elisa. My boyfriend left me when he found out so i raised her on my own. Elisa is my world, my everything and nobody can take her from me. There's 4 years between me and Cameron so that could cause some trouble. I hope he can accept me along with Elisa.

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