Could It Be The Start

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At around 3 in the morning we decided to go home. We got in the limo and i snuggled into Jace. He wrapped his arms around me so he could hold me close.

"What's going on here then" Bonnie said giving me a discussed look.

"Well there mates so i'm guessing she's giving him a chance" Sophie said as if she were talking to a 3 year old.

"He's mine" Bonnie gasped.

"Your his step-sister" Bella reminded her. Jace growled at Bonnie and kissed me on the lips, lightly. I pulled him closer and kissed him back. He pulled back first and i snuggled back into him. "See i think he likes her" Bella said smirking at me. The limo pulled up outside the mansion. I was half asleep.

"Jace can you carry me please" I asked sweetly.

"Course baby" he said happily. I stepped out of the limo and then he scooped me up bridal style and carried me to my room. He lead me down on the bed so i pulled him down by my side and snuggled into his chest.

"I'm just going to get changed, don't go anywhere Jace please" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed a pair of booty shorts and a tank top and went into the bathroom to get changed. When i came out Jace was lead there in just his boxers. He has the most amazing 8 pack i have ever seen.

"See something you like" He said amused. I nodded and climbed onto the bed. It was a double bed at least. I snuggled back into his and he pulled me close. "I love you Jenna".

"Jace i wish i could say the same but-" He cut me off.

"I didn't say it for you to say it back i told you because its true. You wait until you feel happy" Jace said understandingly.

"Thank you" I whispered and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up in the morning all on my own. I frowned but got up anyway. I grabbed a pair of Jack Wills shorts and a Hollister vest top and a pair of flip flops. I headed down stairs to the dining room. Everyone was here even the adults, that meant i couldn't sit with Jace. I frowned at that. Worst still Bonnie was sat beside him.

"Morning Jenna" Mum called. I waved and took my seat next to Sophie. Jace smiled at me and i giggled.

"Ok kids us adults are going out for the day you have the house to your selves" Keegan said winking at me and i blushed "Jace is in charge because he is the oldest" Harry and Cam burst out laughing and we all knew why (Jace will be useless cuz he will be with me all the time). "You will do as your told. Jace behave yourself as well please" Keegan said and only us kids knew what he really meant.

'Can't count on it Alpha" Jace said winking at me.

"JACE" Nina shouted.

"Calm down Na" Jace said. The adults got up and left for the day. Harry looked at Jace.

"So now we have no adults. You hurt my sister and i will kill you. Understood?" Harry asked. I growled and got up, i ran to Jace and sat in his lap.

"Oh and next year i'm Alpha so you'll be out of the pack if you even make Jenna cry once." Cameron warned.

"Stop interrogating my mate" I growled. I grabbed Jace's hand and lead him outside to the pool. He sat on a lounger and pulled me in between his legs. I rested my head on his chest. The rest of them came running out and jumped in the pool. I laughed at them. "You know your in charge right" I asked Jace.

"Yes Jenna" He answered.

"Well can you tell Bonnie to stay away from us today" I pleased.

"Baby i wish i could but she would tell your mum and dad about us if i did" He said turning me so i was straddling him.

"Oh ok" i said dropping my eyes. He lifted my chin and kissed me. Just as i was about to kiss back-

"STOP KISSING MY SISTER IN FRONT OF ME" Harry yelled from the pool. I got off of the lounger and ran up to my room. I grabbed one of my Superdry bikini and then ran and cannon balled into the pool. I tackled Harry under the water. He grabbed m wrists and pushed me under.

"Look Jace she is far to young for you" Bonnie said laughing at me. I smiled and jumped out the pool. I walked over to Jace and kissed him in front of Bonnie. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I wound my hands around his neck. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist and he held my back.

"JENNA" Dad yelled. I jumped down and stared at him. All the adults where stood there. Keegan was smirking. He planned this.

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