The Rejection

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I woke up this morning and my heart felt broken as i knew what today would bring. I walked into my bathroom and had a shower. I slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. i walked out of my room and downstairs. Everyone was there so i turned and walked outside. My dad is the last person on this earth i want to see. He knows i heard everything so i hope he knows whats good for him and just stays away from me. I sat on the side of the pool with my feet dangling in the cool water. Tears brimmed in my eyes as i heard Jace walk out of the door. This was it, the moment my life will be destroyed.

"Hi Jen, sorry i didnt come and see you last night" Jace said quietly.

"Um no its fine, sorry about my dad" I said not looking up at him.

"Come on Jenna, you know this is killing me. Please just let me get this over with. I cant deniy Alpha's orders" He said sadly. I got up and stood before him. I nodded. "I'm sorry but by the demands of my Alpha and Beta i Jace reject you Jenna as my mate". My heart broke into millions of pices.

"Goodbye Jace, i love you" I whispered turning to go to my room.

"Jenna" He called and i looked back at him "I love you too". I let the tears fall. I ran to him and hugged him one last time.

"Go Jace. Move on, meet someone knew. You will always be my mate in my heart i will never forget you i promise. Dont forget me either, please".

"Never, you mean the world to me now and you always will. If your ever in trouble i'll come bac for you Jenna. Please do the same and move on." He said crying at the end. I'll never forgive my dad or Keegan for this. Never. He turned away from me and walked. He met Shane, Nina and Bonnie at the large gates. Bonnie came running over to me.

"I know i was harsh but i really am sorry you are having to go through this" She said pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back.

"Please do your best to help Jace move on, even if it is with you" I whispered.

"I wont go after him but i will try and get him to move on. Goodbye Jenna" She said quietly then walked over to the car. Shane gave me a sad smile. Ninna did the same and mouthed "I'm sorry". I turned away from all of them. This was goodbye, to all of them. I can't blame Shane for all this. I blame my dad. I walked into the kitchen. Mum and dad where stood there, obviously waiting for me.

"Morning Jenna" Mum says happily. How can they be like that with me.

"Morning Baby" Dad said.


"Jenna your dad did whats best for you" Mum said calmly. How dare she say that.

"NO. He did whats best for you and him. I was happy mum. Jace is my mate. I want to be with his but i cant, hes bound with Alpha's orders. Both of you stay away from me until i've forgiven you and i wouldnt hold your breath for that" I said never breaking eye contact with my dad.

"Jen we're sorry but-" Mum started to say.

"I dont want either of your apoligise, ever. You just ruined my life" I told them. With that i left. I saw Harry in the corridoor. I gave him a sad smile knowing i wouldnt be seeing my brother for a while. I went to my room and ripped a pice of paper out of my pad and wrote:

Dear Family and Friends,

I'm leaving and by the time you read this note i will be gone. Don't bother coming after me, i don't want to see any of you. I'm sorry Sophie but i want to be alone. I'll be back in time, when i can see you. Dad your supposed to protect me, yet you have hurt me deeper than a father should. Alpha Keegan you set me up for this. An Alpha shouldn't seperate mates.

Bye guys I'll miss you.

P.S Jamie i took your moterbike. Sophie take my car and Jamie find a way back. Thanx Jamie

Love Jenna xx

I left it pinned to the fridge. I grabbed Jamie's keys and started his moterbike. I drove until i got to a cabin i brought last year so i could get away when i like. It's already stocked up with food and cloths. I was happy. Alone, the way i wanted to be.

Sophie's pov

I walked into the kitchen after going to cry.I saw a note. Jenna has left.

"DAD" I screamed. Adam came running in. "JENNA'S GONE DAD" . Everyone else ran in.

"WERE'S MY SISTER" Harry growled.


"Jen's gone" I whispered.

"WE ARE GETTING JENNA BACK" Cameron yelled storming out. Keegan looked ashamed. Lisa was mad at Keegan. Sophie and Gabby where in tears. Jessie was clinging to Henry. Bella and Kallie looked shocked. Jamie was worried about his moterbike and Jason was trying to comfort Jamie.After everyone else left I came over to mum.

"Mum i know you know where she is, so do i. I'm going to her. Nobody is to find that out. Your horrid parents." She said looking away from me.

"Sophie she dosnt want anyone there" Mum said.

"And i would listen to you because, I'm going" i told her. I walked out and saw Jason. "Jason can i borrow your moterbike. I need to get someone quickly".

"Sure just dont scratch it Sophie" Jason said. I smiled and hugged him.

"Your the best" I said then ran out. I love his bike. Nobody knows but me and Jason are sorta together. I love him and he loves me but my dad wouldnt aprove as he isnt my mate but i don't care. Jason comes running out.

"Sophie" He whispers.

"Yes Jason" i said happily. He pulled me into a hug.

"Stay safe please. I love you" He said.

"I love you to Jason. I wish you were my mate" I said then kissed him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I pulled back and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I wish we were mates to baby" Jason whispered. "So were are you going".

"To find my sister, please Jason dont tell anyone" I pleased. He pulled out a box from his back pocket. Inside was a silver neckles with a heart on it and ingraved in it was J+S 4Ever with 4 saffires inbedded in it.

"I had this made for you" he said happily. He put it on for me. This was awsome. He's the best boyfirend ever. Nobodys more perfect.

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