Try to Keep Smiling

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I woke up in a cold dark room. This is why i din't like the mansion. It's always dark and cold. I opened the curtains and then the sun came beeming in, lighting up the whole room. I couldn't be bothered to get changed out of my jogging bottoms and tank top so i didnt. I grabbed my Phone off charge and cheaked my Messages. I have 3 un-read.


Hi Jenna. We got home last night and i cheaked on you but you where asleep. Sorry baby, wish i could help you. Love you so much xxx


Sis, i miss you xxx


Jenna I want you in my office NOW!

I like the first two but why must i see Keegan. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed some slippers and headed to the meeting room. I opened the door.

"Dont you knock" Keegan aid gruffly.

"Nope" I said. I kept a poker face on.

"Well you are rude then arnt you" He said not looking up from the newspaper.

"Well no sorry, when I'm kept from my mate that stuff happens" I said getting angry.

"Stop Jenna" Keegan said a little softer.

"Keegan, this isn't fair. You have Lisa" i said.

"Look I wish i didn't have to do what i did. I will allow you to see him" Keegan said. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Thank you so much" I screamed. I ran out of the room. I took my phone out of my pocket and text Jace.




Oh Jenna, meet me at your cabin tonight xxxxx


C u then baby xxxxx love you so much.


C u soon xxxxx love you to babe.

With that i put my phone away. It takes about 5 hours to get to the cabin from here and its 9:00am, i want to talk to the guys for an hour or 2 so that will be about 11:00am, then get dressed which will take me another 2 hours then the time will be 4:00pm then i'll leave at get there at 9:00pm. This is perfect. I walked out of the room and walked down to Cams door. I love him(as a brother) I knocked 3 times and he opened the door.

"JENNA" He yelled and pulled me into a brotherly hug.

"Hey Cam" I said quietly. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room. We sat on his bed chatting, like the old times. Soon the door opened and all the others came running in. Harry grabbed me off the bed and bear hugged me.

"Never and i mean never leave us agin Jen Jen" Harry said begining to cry. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I couldn't. I missed you too much" I said tears running down my cheaks. I pulled him closer. He's my brother and i'll always need him. I need all of them. I turned away from Harry and ran to Sophie. My sister. She welcomed me with open arms and i hugged her tight. "I missed you Sophie".

"I missed you too Jenna" she whispered. I love her so much. All of us curled up on Cam's bed. After about an hour i said.

"Girls, I'm going out with Jace and i need ou to help me". The girls squeeled but the boys growled.

"Dont be over protective dogs" Bella said throwing Cameron a look. We all walked out of the room and down to mine.

"Ok you get in the shower" Kallie ordered.

"Yes Ma'am" i said mock saluting her. I washed my long black hair, twise, before getiing out. I wrapped my robe aroung my body and walked out to the girls.

"Sit"Jessie commanded.

"This is coming from the 13 year old" i said smugly and she crossed her arms across her cheast. I sat down. Sophie dried my hair and the curled each and every strand of hair perfectly. My hair fell down my back in loose curles. Then Gabby came and knelt infront of me. She put silver/gray eye shadow on me, them masacera and eye liner. I smiled. This was amazing. I then turned to Kallie who was the maser of clothing. She gave me a dress that came to just above my knee. The top half was tight then the bottom flowed around my thights. It was all balck with a white belt and black stilettos. Gabby handed me a black clutch bag with i put my phone and extra make-up. This was it. 

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