Nothing is Working

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Jace's pov

I've sat here watching Jenna for hours. She hasn't changed. Still unconscious but breathing. The shock of me not being there really scread her.

"It's my fault" I whispered.

"No it's not" Gabby said from the doorway. Jack was beside her with his arm around his waist. "She's just still upset about loosing Sophie."

"I knew she was like this. I should have been there for her" I said tears running down my cheaks.

"Man don't beat yourself up about it. Jen won't blame you" Jack said. Then they both left, Gabby blew a kiss to Jenna and Jack smiled sadly. I knew I would have to leave soon because Bella, Kallie, Jessie and Gabby will come in later to brush her hair and chnage her dress but until then i'll pray for her. Soon the door opened.

"Out, we would like to see her" Bella demanded.

"SHE"S MINE" i growled. "MY MATE".

"Jace we didn't mean it like that, we just want to see her" Kallie said slowly.

"30 Minuets, then i'm back" I growled and left.

Gabby's pov

When Jace walked out i felt so sorry for him.

"I feel sorry for him" I said.

"Yeah, he blames himself" Bella said. I smiled down at Jenna. Her long black hair was still as neat as when we left it yesterday, the make-up we had put on was smudged because Jace will have kissed her. Bella had gotten a white sun dress to change her into. We all know that Jenna would hate to wake up in the same cloths so we change then everyday. Jessie reached into her back and got out the make-up wiped. She began to take off the remaning make-up. I aplied gray eye shadow, balck mascara and red lip stick to go with her black hair and pale skin. Bella and Kallie took of the skirt and top the had on and replaced it with the sun dress. I brushed her hair and kissed her fourhead.

"Wake up soon Jenna" i whispered then we all left the room. Jace was in the hallway crying. My heart brakes when i see him like this.

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