Bad News

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Jenna's pov

When i woke up i was so happy, that was until Carlie walked in and told me the worst thing. My wolf was in danger. How was i supposed to take that. I looked at Jace with wide eyes. He looked as if he was about to shift. My world had just come crashing down. What did this mean, would i be able to shift have a pup. Jace ran out of the room leaving me on my own. My own mate is ashamed of me.

"Jenna" I heard Jason whisper. He hasn't been the same since Sophie was killed. He really did love her.

"I'm sorry Jason" I said as he walked over to my bed.

"It was obviously time for her to go, it was soon sure but the moon goddess desided he time was now. She will be taken care of maybe better than we all did. I'll never stop loving her even when i meet my mate, she ment to much to me. But your sister would never blame you for what happened Jenna" He said. I could see he wanted to cry.

"I know Jason, she loved you and i mean really loved you. The day she collected me from the cabin she was wearing this" i said pulling out the neckless. "You gave it her didnt you".

"Yes i did. How did you get it" He asked.

"When i found her body, it lead beside her, broken and covered in blood. I though you would want it so i got it fixed and clean. Jason you ment so much to her" I told him.

"I gave that to her so she would know i'm always with her" He said sadly.

"She would have known that anyway" I said smiling at him. He nodded.

"So whats up with you" He asked.

"Carlie told me theres something wrong with my wolf, i may loose her" I told him lookign anywere but his eyes.

"Jen i'm so sory" He said.

"I need to wait until the results come back. Carlie took a sample of my blood" i said not really knowing what to say. Jason could tell i didn't really want to talk s he hugged me and left. I sat there and looked at the door hoping Jace would come back.

He didn't i waited for 3 hours and nobody came into my room not even Carlie came to cheak how i was. I was alone, it was times like this i wanted to have died with Sophie. Be with her and watch all the people we love have a great life. Nobody seemed to even care i was hurt and maybe loosing the one this that ment so much to me. I sat thinking about weather i would loose my wolf. I tried to contact her but she stayed well out of my mind.

I waited another hour and still nothing. This was getting boring. There is nothing to do. I can't move because i'm to weak. I've been getting weaker as time gose by. Even moving my arms is getting tiering. I cant call Carlie because it takes up to much energy.

"Darling I'm sorry i didnt come in Elisa was sick" Carlie said.

"Carlie i cant move" I whispered.

"Jenna your wolf has given up, you will become weak as she dies then finaly she will be gone and you will gain strength slowly. You will now not be able to carry a pup, a human is not compatible for that sort of child. Jace wont be able mark you it will be to much pain to handle. You may have to leave the pack Jenna, werewolves will see you as a threat" Carlie told me.

"I'm going to have to leave my family" i said.

"Maybe not, you will need to see how everyone is" Carlie said softly.

"No this isn't fair"I said beging to cry. If i loose all of this i have nothing. All my family for generations have been weres. There is no one i could go to or stay with. My life would be over and so would I.




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