Chapter 1 - Surroundings

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(Pic: Map of Hell)


Lucifer groaned. They tapped their fingers on the desk, looking at the current map of hell. How in the hell did the Glutton Court get so much territory? Those demons were the most passive on the face of Hell. They supposed it was the amount of Gluttons. They were, after all, the largest population of Hell. Damn mortals loved their food.

Lucifer lit a smoke, taking a drag. Their throat felt raw. Then there was the issue of the Lusts going missing, or magically dropping like flies. Why had they let Marcov become Charge of Lust? Lucifer had to think hard for the answer. Right. Marcov was the grandson of the original Prince of Lust, Asmodeus.

Lucifer glanced when their crystal glowed. A summit. Of course. At least they would be able to ask questions.

Lucifer was prone to switching biological genders whenever they feel. And they felt like a he. So he dressed like a dude, gained more muscle mass and a penis.

He sighed, puffing out a cloud of gray smoke. He loosened his tie from his neck, whistling for a servant. The castle on the outlands was just full of eager-to-please hellhounds. A hellhound ran up, panting. And the two set off, heading for the summit halls, in the very middle of hell.

The summit hall was where demons are first taken. There, they served under Lucifer for a while, until the next summit. The Charges of each sin evaluate them, and whatever sin they score highest on was the sin they were assigned.

It was also where the Charges and Lucifer met for summits. Charges were the demons who replaced the Princes after they retired, died, or went missing.

He was late, as always. But at least he wasn't as late as the Sloth Prince, Belphegor.

Marcov, the Charge of Lust, was sitting at the table, staring down at his lap on his crystal. By the look of the hellhound, Lucifer assumed he was in the middle of watching porn. Marcov was a tan man, with dark features. He wore dress pants and a white button down, with a red vest. His black feathery wings laid behind him. The woman behind him radiated nearly the same amount of Lust as Marcov. It was nauseating. He recognized her vaguely. She couldn't be much older than 16. She had white, straight hair that fell past her large breasts. Her eyes were a deep navy blue. She was fair, with rosy cheeks and a rosy nose. She looked... cold. She was wearing a skin tight dress that left almost too much for the imagination. Was that red leather? She had no wings, obviously torn off by the monster she served. A serpent laid on her shoulders, sharing her deep blue eyes. The serpent had white scales, with patterns of red scales.

The Glutton Charge, Hyrt, stared at Marcov angrily. He was a fat, jolly man, comparable to Santa Clause. A white beard, piercing blue eyes, and a rosy face. He wore a robe, tradition Glutton attire. His servant was short and chubby. Both were sharing donuts; both had gray feathery wings.

The Pride Charge, Tarvous, was an Arabic man, with his hair pulled back in a ponytail. His red eyes were staring in a mirror. The narcissist was admiring himself. His black scaled wings were outstretched behind him. They were adorned with gold, as was a small chain of gold hanging from his forehead. He smiled, looking at his pure white teeth. He had no servant.

Asylum was glaring around the room, her red hair tied in a bun. Her red eyes pierced the area. Her wings were folded behind her; the raven coloured wings that looked so fluffy. Asylum was a Fallen Angel that worked her way up to Envy Charge. Her servant was writing behind her. The servant had black hair in a bun, wearing a black skirt and white blouse. She had feathery gray and blue wings that fluttered lightly.

Greed, Sloth and Wrath had no Charge.

There was an advisor. A sadistic, dead-faced, emotionless fear demon that stared blankly at whoever spoke. He never spoke. But he had a constant wave of fear rolling off him. He was deathly pale, with golden eyes and black hair.

"I guess we can start this meeting without him," Hyrt started, "We have a potential Greed Charge."

Lucifer paused, shocked, "What? Who?"

Marcov's servant walked to the door, opening it. The woman had a thick sottish voice, "Presenting Maric Silva, son of Antonio Silva, and potential Greed Charge."

A kid, maybe 12, walked in. He looked very Latino. He had bright, green eyes. He smiled, flaunting his wealth. He was dressed very formally.

Lucifer cut in, "Woah- woah- woah, we have laws. Charge's have to be a minimum of 14 years old. How old is this kid?"

The boy cut in, "Please, call me Xenna. I'm 15 in a week."

Lucifer blinked, pulling his head back, "Yea and I'm four, and she's 8." He gestured to Marcov's servant.

She giggled, "21."

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Don't believe it."

The woman dug in her bra, then pulled out a card sleeve. she walked to Lucifer, bowing, and handing him a Lust ID. Asmodeus Riddel. Asmodeus? "Your name. It's Asmodeus?"

Asmodeus nodded, "Yes Sir. Marcov named me after the Prince."

Lucifer glanced to Marcov, "Named her? Is this one of your children?"

Marcov snorted, laughing, "No! Look at that ugly bitch. I couldn't produce that!"

Asmodeus raised a brow, and the serpent hissed. She walked back to Marcov. She whispered with Xenna, seating him. Asmodeus spoke, "Xenna has been trained his entire life for this position. He's a Silva, the most wealthy family in Greed."

Lucifer inhaled, "Combat?"

Asmodeus answered, "Like all Greeds, Xenna has the ability to generate a plate of precious metal over his body. It acts as armor. Additionally, Xenna is talented in manipulation and hand-to-hand combat."

Asylum set her elbows on the table, "What do you plan to do with the court?"

Xenna explained, "I plan to minimized the slave labour. I will install a minimum wage, and create jobs." He explained how for at least 20 minutes.

Lucifer inhaled, "Alright. Those in favour of allowing Xenna to be Charge, raise your hand." Envy, Glutton, and Lucifer raised their hand. Lust and Pride kept their hands down, for separate reasons. Lucifer smiled, "Looks like your Charge, Mister Silva. Mrs. Brooks." A servant came in, "Please lead Xenna to an office. I'll be there shortly." Lucifer nodded as the two left, "Marcov. Hyrt. Could you two stay back? Everyone else is dismissed."

Hyrt smiled, "What do you need, Sir?" They watched the others leave, leaving the Ruler of Hell, the Charges, and two servants there.

Lucifer crossed his arms, "I'm a little lost on how your territory has gotten so big, Hyrt."

Hyrt laughed, wiping his hands, "We had a treaty with Lust and Greed some 50 thousand years ago Sir."

Lucifer paused, "My map was that old? Jesus. I thought it was only like... a decade or so."

Marcov interrupted, "What did you need me for?"

Lucifer glared, "Hyrt, if you could send me a copy of those treaties. You can go, thanks." He waited for Hyrt and his servant to leave, then spoke, "I'm curious. Where are all these Lust servants going? Your population has dropped nearly 67% since last year.

Marcov shrugged, "Haven't the slightest clue."

Lucifer knew better. Lucifer saw the glare on Asmodeus' face. She knew what was happening, didn't she?

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