Chapter 9 - Surveillance **TW**

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**TW: Implied Rape, SA, violence**

(Pic: Rost)


Anders sat with a fellow Sloth. He was a person of color, with the condition of Vitiligo. Anders sharpened a knife, "How are you, Rost?"

Rost looked over, "Good, you?"

Anders stood, grunting, "I'm fine. Setting up camp is tiring."

Seperval, the only non-Sloth demon, dropped another log, "You guys should set u a place for you to sleep." Wrath's strength definitely came in handy. "I'm not dealing with whiny ass men."

"Rude," Isha retorted. She was another Sloth demon, with a third eye as a result of a failed rune. She was a sweet person though.

"Sorry. Men and women," Seperval joked. They paused, putting their hand in the fire to adjust the logs. Anders raised a brow.

Anders abandoned the idea of arguing, and moved to set up a sleeping area. Once he finished, Anders called the others over. Isha and Rost trudged over, yawning. Isha's third eye was shut. Anders watched Isha just drop on the ground and snore. Anders snickered, sitting down. Rost kneeled, and laid on his side. He started crying, whining about how sleepy he was. Anders made small talk with Rost; he asked small questions until Rost passed out. Anders looked over to the fire, watching Seperval examine their arrows. Anders started to drift off, until he was out.

When Anders woke up, Isha and Seperval were eating. Anders sat up, stretching. He glanced over to Rost, smiling at the sleeping Sloth. Anders stood up and walked over to his coworkers. He sat down, combing his hair back with his fingers. "Morning," Seperval looked up.

Isha handed a small bowl of berries and bacon to Anders, "Good morning, Anders."

Anders had morning voice, "Morning guys." Anders felt his back tingle, the Glutton Magic Storage Rune began to glow and released a small amount of Glutton. Anders ate quietly, listening to Seperval and Isha small chat. Anders took the fourth bowl.

Isha reached her hand out, "That's- that's for Rost."

"That's who I'm bringing it to." Anders mumbled awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry," Isha looked down.

Anders walked to Rost and squatted in front of him. He shook Rost. He didn't wake. So he shook the snoring Sloth again. "Mm?" Rost had morning voice too. Rost rubbed his eyes, "Yea..?"

"Good morning. I have breakfast for you," Anders helped Rost sit up. He gave Rost the bowl, sitting beside him. "What do you think of those two?"

"Thanks. And, I don't know. Both seem nice," Rost responded.

Anders grunted, "You're going to be on camp duty today. I'll send you back to Hell at the end of the day to report in."

"Ok, sounds good."

Anders moved to the fire, "Rost has camp duty. Seperval, you head to the east side of the island. I want you to see if there is any settlements there. Isha, you go to the west. I'll take the general middle of the island. Remember, don't engage. We want information only at this point."

As everyone went there separate ways, Anders waved goodbye. Anders was quiet, thinking to himself. Anders' mind flashed back to the awful idea. The sex ring. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense to him. He gagged.

He stopped in his tracks. Footsteps. Anders teleported into a nearby tree. There was distant footsteps, distant yelling. Anders tried to looked around for the source. It was a man and a woman. No, two women and a man. "Would you get off her!?" the first woman yelled. There was cry of pain coming from the second woman. "Mind you're own business, Bitch."

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