Chapter 12 - Horror Stories **TW**

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**TW: sex trafficking, rape, SA, abuse**

(Pic: Marcov Thompson)


"How are you?"

Asmodeus hung her head, "Fine, you?"

Lucifer responded, "I'm good. So, when our last summit was held, I asked Mr. Marcov Thompson about the missing Lust demons. While he gave me "I don't know," I couldn't help but notice that you seemed to know."

"You could say that," Asmodeus felt the need to protect him from the horrors. Who was she kidding? This was the Prince of Darkness himself.

Lucifer stayed quiet, then stood. He took out a file, then walked around the desk and pulled up a chair beside her. He looked through her citizenship file, "...So, Asmodeus Riddel. You have a twin brother, Ihys Riddel, though it says here that he is similar to a parasite. He's a counterpart to your soul, correct?"

Asmodeus was stiff, looking for the manipulation, "Correct."

"You're 21, a resident of the Lust capital castle. No significant other, no known demon relationships-"

"Dunnsah," she cut in.


"Dunnsah Williams? She's my best friend. She's uhm.. she's a Lust servant," Asmodeus shifted.

"Dunnsah?" He looked up. Asmodeus nodded. Lucifer leaned back, "Tell me about her."

"She's 48704, turning '05 next month. She's short, and small. Adorable though. She likes the colour pink. She always tries to make everyone happy, even when she's..." Asmodeus trailed off, tearing up.

"When she's..?"

Asmodeus put it simply, "Being hurt."

"What do you mean by hurt?" He asked

Asmodeus thought, and whispered, "....Rape..."

Lucifer inhaled, "Take your time. If you need a break, you can leave and come back."

She stared at her lap, silent. It took her a few minutes to gain her courage, "I should.... start from the beginning."

Asmodeus took a breath, "When the Prince went missing, Marcov - his grandson - became the charge. Using Asmodeus' texts, Marcov justified corrupting the sex industry."

"Asmodeus' Lust social customs or the anatomy?"

"Both. Are you... hm. Do you understand the texts?"

Lucifer nodded, "I do."

"He's banned the first, the social customs. The bowing stayed, but the consent and the safe words and gestures were eliminated. He also eradicated education for everyone, though most of us have taught ourselves.. and sometimes the lucky few get help."

"Do you know why?"

"My best guess?" Asmodeus asked for confirmation.

Lucifer nodded.

"If no one has education, no one can read or understand the law. Which means, if someone challenges him.. well, really what could they do? They can't change the law, at least, not satisfactory." Asmodeus paused, inhaling, "Does that make sense?"

Lucifer wrote, "Yes, it does."

"Can I move on?"

"Yea, go ahead."

Asmodeus thought of where to start again. She picked at her sleeves, not knowing how to continue. 

"Where do you come in?" Lucifer asked.

"..." she inhaled, "I was given to Marcov as a baby. He served as my legal guardian." She rubbed her eyes to hide the impending tears.

"What did he do to you, Asmodeus?"

"What do you think?" her voice cracked, and she looked up, tears threatening to spill, "We were used. Every servant is." She took a deep breath. "Sorry- uhm." She looked down again, trying to stop crying. Her heart was racing.

"Take your time. You're free to leave anytime," Lucifer softened his voice.

"There are two kinds of servants to him. They can overlap. All servants are the first kind. We're.." She exhaled, sniffling, "uhm.. sold."


"Whoever could pay, had an hour or so."

Lucifer paused, "What did they do?"

Asmodeus broke, "Whatever. Anything." She tried to pull herself together, failing, "Everything."

There was scratching at the door, and Asmodeus rushed to cover her tears. A hellhound stumbled in, moving to Lucifer and sat. A man walked in, and Asmodeus felt Lucifer pat her shoulder, "We'll continue this in a minute. Take a break." Asmodeus stood, brushing past the man and playing with her hair. Asmodeus sat against the wall. She felt numb, and didn't understand why she was crying. It wasn't that bad. It was normal. But then.. why would the Prince of Darkness himself seem so.. shocked and disgusted? He tried to hide it, but it was obvious. 

Asmodeus looked up, watching the person of color walk out of the room. He moved to Asmodeus, kneeling in front of her, "You okay?" She nodded. What the hell was this man doing? "You can go back in," he stood, offering a hand. Asmodeus hesitated, then reached up and grabbed his wrist. He helped her stand.

She bowed, "Thank you."

"U-uh-" he stepped back, "yea, no problem."

She slipped past him again, noticing the envelop. She opened the door, slipping in. She recognized him, that Sloth that held the other one in his arms when he was out. 

She sat down, looking at Lucifer, who was looking through notes. "Well, Asmodeus, I only have a few more questions," he said calmly. She only nodded. "What has Marcov done to corrupt the Lust Territorial Runes? I know they were a huge cultural symbol."

"It's no longer a sign of," she paused to find the right word, "finding the right lover. It's just another everyday thing."

"Do you have some examples of what they look like?" Lucifer asked.

Asmodeus paused, then nodded, "I have Marcov's and a couple others."

"May I see?"

Asmodeus hesitated, turning. She lifted the back of her shirt. She knew the four runes laid on her back. Marcov's Territorial Rune, the two other territorial runes, and an Obedience Rune, constructed and implemented by Marcov.

Lucifer warned, "I'm going to touch and take pictures, okay?" 

"Alright," she mumbled, throwing her ponytail over her shoulder. There was a camera shutter sound. She inhaled when Lucifer moved the back of her bra to get a better picture of the Obedience Rune. Lucifer pulled the strap back where it was, then backed off.

"Ok, I got them," Lucifer had seemed to relax on the professionalism, acting more like a trusted friend. She sat back down, letting her shirt fall. "I only have one more question for today," Lucifer sat down as well, "Where are those Lust demons going?"

Asmodeus inhaled, "Depends on who you're asking about. Murder for 'disobedience,' sex trafficking, going to the colony."


Asmodeus paused, "Marcov hasn't told any why, but we are building a colony on Earth. The acting leader is Iber Thompson, Marcov's son." Asmodeus gestured for the paper, and wrote down the earth name for the island. "I'm lead guard, now."

Lucifer seemed to be in thought, then turned to the filing cabinet, "Are you willing to do something for me?"

"Yes, Sir."

He looked through, "I have a squad that's investigating the colony. Would you help them?"

"I could," Asmodeus agreed.

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