Chapter 10 - Aftermath pt 1.

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(Pic: Isha)


Isha perched in a tree, watching the Lusts move around below her. It was relatively boring. Isha adjusted, observing a Lust being torn away from its path and behind a nearby building. Isha heard the screams and begging. She hesitantly climbed further up the tree, and got a good look at the crime. Isha adjusted, disgusted. Isha used her magic to fling the woman. She watched the man dress himself, looking around. "U-uh.. thank you- thank you-" He moved to run back to the public.

Isha understood why Anders engaged. She wasn't upset with him, but she also knew that Seperval was. Isha had argued with Seperval for them to hunt the blond down, while Isha stayed with Anders and waited for Rost. Seperval lashed out and yelled at Isha, screaming and demanding for her to follow Seperval's orders. Isha didn't bother fighting a Wrath, so she went to find the stray Lust demon.

Isha adjusted again, and felt Sloth wash over her. Isha rubbed her eyes, trying to not fall asleep. Isha's vision was going blurry with sleep; her third eye closed. 

She had noticed someone, though. A young woman, platinum blond hair, walked through a portal.

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