Chapter 20 - Heaven

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(Pic: Stephanie)


Kain looked at the ground, waiting. He watched Shane's leg bounced. God, this was nerve-wracking; waiting for the Angelic Council, not knowing if you'll be praised or punished.

Kain scratched his head, "You think they'll fade us?" Fade. Kill a soul.

"I hope not," Shane mumbled back. He was worried too.

He went quiet. He wished there were birds in heaven. He'd grown fond of their early morning singing. But right now, the only sound was the whispering of Angels down the hall.

"Kain, Shane. They're ready," the same woman as their last encounter with the Council said softly. Stephanie, that was the name.

He stood, exhaling. He smiled, "Thank you, Dear." He followed the tall, skinny Angel. She had her blond hair up in a nice bun, but her eyes were gray. She was blind, wasn't she?

Shane poked him, pointing at her. That was rude. He slapped Shane's hand, nodding to signal he got the point.

"Kain! Shane! Welcome back to Heaven!" The first Angel smiled.

"Thank you," Shane and Kain said in almost unison. Shane was a little lagged behind.

"So, how did Earth Duty go?" Another asked.

"The Colony of demons was destroyed," Shane explained softly - a trait very unlike him.

"By demon hands," Kain added, internally terrified.

"The demons destroyed their own colony?" one asked.

"So there is in-fighting among the demons?" another confirmed.

Shane nodded, "Yes."

"How odd." the first mumbled. The Angels whispered. "Is that all you have to report?"

Shane looked to Kain. Kain spoke up, "There is reason to believe that the colony wasn't created by the Dark Prince." Dark Prince was the Heaven name for Lucifer. They wouldn't say his name all willy-nilly.

That upset the Council. They whispered among each other. "Alright, that's all," they dismissed.

Kain exhaled, nodding. They turned to leave.

They walked out.

Kain could have sworn he heard the Angels say Pazuzu's name.

"Do you think that went okay?" Kain asked Shane when they left completely.

"I don't think so." Shane mumbled. "But I'll see you later, okay? I'm gonna.. go home."

"Oh- of course! Bye, Shane!" He waved, going home himself, to Muffin.

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