Chapter 4 - Colony **TW**

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TW: Sexual Assault

(Pic: Asmodeus Riddel)


Asmodeus lit a smoke. She was sent to Earth by Marcov, to monitor and report how far along the colony was going.

She was wearing short-shorts, the denim clinging to her ass and hips. She was wearing a leather jacket over a lacey red bralette. She played with her septum piercing, adjusting it.

Asmodeus stepped through the purple portal, followed by two guards serving as personal body guards. Asmodeus stepped onto the grass, her combat boots crunching the leaves. She grunted in mild annoyance. Humans absolutely disgusted her. The thought that a human could've been where she stood pissed her off.

Asmodeus blew out a cloud of smoke, walking into the camp. She watched the servants wandering around. Asmodeus flicked her platinum blond hair aside, "Oi- you." Her thick scottish accent made quite a few look up.


"Bring me the colony leader." She demanded.

"Yes- m-ma'am." He ran off.

She looked back to the guards, "What do you think?"

"Uhm.. I don't.. I don't know.." the first guard muttered.

"I don't think its our place to say." The second responded.

Asmodeus rolled her eyes, playing with her belly button piercing, "Well aren't you brainwashed?"

They went silent.

Asmodeus raised a brow, then opened a small pocket mirror. She straightened her eye brow piercing, then her septum. She adjusted her hair, then focused on exposing more cleavage, which wasn't hard given the size of them.

A man with light blond hair and red eyes walked up with his guards. Both him and Asmodeus bowed. He looked like another one of Marcov's kids. "Hello, Miss Riddel. It's good to see you."

"You as well." She responded. He was dressed in a unbuttoned blue shirt, and jeans.

"Do we have a more private place to discuss the purpose of my visit?" She asked.

"Of course," he grinned. A stupid, smug grin that Asmodeus wanted to slap right off his face. He led Asmodeus and her guards. They came to a building, it looked like the most lavish one in the colony. They moved inside, and sat in an office to the left. "So?" He put his feet on the desk, leaning back with his hands interlocked behind his head.

"Marcov wishes to know the state of the colony," Asmodeus crossed her legs.

He looked her up and down, "It's fine. Servants are willing to obey, both as a need and for construction."

"Are the chores divided equally?"


Asmodeus leaned forward, tilting her head, "Yea, I doubt that."

He looked pissed. He looked to his guards, nodding. They pulled hers out in a moment. The man questioned, putting his feet on the ground and folding his hands on the desk, "You never did tell me your name.."

"Obviously you know it. You called me Miss Riddel," she retorted.

He wrapped her hand in his, holding a bit too tight, "Mmm.. I was only told your last name by the servants."

Asmodeus watched as he stood, leaning over the desk, "Asmodeus Riddel."

"Well, Asmodeus," he had raised enough for Asmodeus to see his boner through his pants. She was preparing for what was next, glaring. "You are a very attractive lady, you know that?"

"I'm very aware, thank you." She started standing.

He leaned closer to her ear. She could feel the heat of his breath on her neck. She got goosebumps. "And.." he brought his hand to her face, "you should listen and accept what your superiors say. The chores are divided equally." He grabbed her throat, "Got that?"

Asmodeus pushed him off, moving back. "No, I don't think I do," she challenge, "you never told me your name, Sir."

"Iber. Iber Thompson." He replied, walking around the corner of the desk.

She stepped back, feeling the torn nubs on her back twitch with anxiety. She used to have wings. She used to be able to fly away. She used to be able to hit someone hard enough with her wings to run, to get away.

He moved closer. Closer. Asmodeus could feel her body press on the door, "I'm telling you, I'm saying no." She spoke clearly and loudly.

But why would he listen? Why would a Lust listen to consent?

Iber pressed her on the door, pushing on her shoulder and tugging at her shirt. "I said stop," she repeated, pushing him. She could feel the hardness on her thigh; she could feel his free hand touch at her breasts and drift further downwards. She huffed when he tore her jacket off and reflexively kneeing him in the balls.

He yelped in pain, dropping to the ground. He held his crotch. She stomped on his stomach, wrestling her jacket from under him. Asmodeus put her jacket back on, "Just a piece of advice, don't touch a lady who has more muscle in her thigh than you do in your entire body." She stepped out, "Drop 'em. Go help your 'boss.'" The guards moved to obey, checking on their recovering boss. She walked out, onto the street and through the portal.

She was met with an even worse monster.

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