Chapter 13 - Introductions

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(Pic: Allahine Seperval)


Anders watched as Dunnsah ate. She had shown no signs of trying to escape, so after getting into a yelling match with Seperval, he untied her. Dunnsah had thanked him and bowed, much to his embarrassment. Anders sat a few yards from Dunnsah, moving his food around his plate with his fork.

"Are you n-not hungry?" Dunnsah asked, sounding worried.

"Not really," Anders responded.

Dunnsah looked to Iber, "I'm s-sorry."

Anders followed her gaze, glaring at the man. He had taken a vow of silence and refused to eat. Anders had gotten the name from Lucifer. Anders had direct contact with Lucifer now, through the contract. It doubled as magic. He wrote in a journal, and got a response. Anders had also been told to expect someone, but he already knew about the new people joining them. It made him curious. He hadn't told anyone.

"Why are you sorry?"

Dunnsah shrugged, shrinking into herself.

Anders started to stand, "Just so you know, we're having some new people show up."

Dunnsah shifted, nodding.

Anders walked to the fire, sitting on the log. He thought about the escapee. Had she told the other Lusts? Who knows. He paused, looking up when a strong portal opened. It was blue, and spun and whined. Two demons stepped through. Both gave him the chills. The taller one stepped into the grass, helping the lady down. The man had black hair and golden eyes. He shifted, looking to Anders. His pupils were slits, like a predatory cat. He flicked his smoke, stepping closer, "Anders, right?"

Anders stood, shaking his hand. Left hand. "You are?"

"Pazuzu. This is Starlas," He gestured to the woman. She curtsied, smiling. She had lavender eyes and light brown hair in twin braids. She wore a pink sweater and black leggings. She certainly contrasted the messy, black-wearing Pazuzu.

"It's good to meet you," He shook Starlas' hand. At least she shook hands with her right hand.

"You as well," she didn't sound as obnoxious as she looked. Though, given her fidgeting, she might get very annoying.

"I suppose we should introduce everyone after everyone actually comes," Pazuzu shifted, blowing out smoke.

"That's a good idea," Anders gestured for them to sit. Pazuzu sat in the grass, staring into the distance. Starlas, however, wandered to Dunnsah.


"O-oh.. uh.. hello.." Dunnsah moved away a bit.

Starlas sat, scratching her head. "You're really pretty."

"Th-thanks.. I like your uh.. shirt," Dunnsah sounded genuine, even if she hesitated.

"Thank you!" Starlas smiled, "Pinks my favorite color."

Dunnsah lit up, "Mine too!"

Anders relaxed, glad that Dunnsah finally relaxed. Pazuzu looked over, "Starlas is absorbing her Fear."

"What?" Isha asked.

"She's absorbing the Lust's fear."

"So she's a Fear?" Rost asked.

Pazuzu answered, "Yes."

A green portal opened, and a woman with shoulder length, dirty blond hair in a half pony came out, followed by a man with raven hair and dark eyes. Anders waved them over. The man adjusted his sleeve and sat. He had an eye patch.

Not long after, an Envy and a Wrath came. The Envy, a woman, had red eyes and hair, and was darker in complexion. She had a scar on her eyebrow. The Wrath was a man with red hair and golden eyes.

Once everyone was settled, they went around saying their name. The Envy was Noc, the Wrath was Corsche, the Greed man was Khrosh, the Greed woman was Camari.

Anders paused when a pink portal opened, and out-stepped another Envy woman, "Sorry I'm late."

"Who are you?" Seperval grumbled.

The woman had flawless olive skin, with a hint of pink on her cheeks. She had curly hair, dyed light brown and blond. It was long. She had blue eyes, and matching blue nails. She wore an off-the-shoulder white, flowy blouse, and denim shorts. She wore thigh-high heels. She put a hand on her hip, "Amaris."

"Well, welcome Amaris," Isha said, "I'm Isha." Isha introduced everyone all over again.

Anders raised a brow, mumbling to Rost, "Isha sure has patience, doesn't she?"

Rost nodded.

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