Chapter 16 - Summit

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(Pic: Hyrt)


Pazuzu hummed, wandering around the island on his own. He wanted to see Kain the Angel. He stopped, hearing a voice. Pazuzu smiled, following the voice. Pazuzu leaned on a tree, looking at the back and wings of a singing angel. Kain.

Pazuzu listened to the angelic sounds coming from the darling in front of him. Kain. That had a nice ring to it.

Pazuzu went still when Kain paused mid-song. Kain was frightened. He whipped around. Pazuzu found his fear adorable.

Pazuzu knew Kain felt less afraid of him than the other demons, and that made him crave Kain's comfort. 

"How long have you-?!"

Pazuzu interrupted, "Not long." Kain looked terrified. Pazuzu moved closer, "Please. Continue. It's gorgeous."

Kain hesitated, "W-what?"

Pazuzu sat beside Kain, "Continue. Your voice is fucking angelic."

Kain went red, looking away, "O-oh I d-d-don't think I-I'm all th-that good.."

"I disagree."

Kain was caught off guard, struggling to find words to argue. He huffed, embarrassed. He started singing again, looking away. Pazuzu listened, smiling. 

Pazuzu wasn't done listening when his crystal buzzed. He sighed, checking the notification. A summit. How boring. He stood, "I've got to go."

Kain paused, going to argue. Pazuzu teleported.

Pazuzu sat beside Hyrt, declining the pasta Hyrt offered. Pazuzu watched a pissed off Marcov sit across from them. He felt nauseated by the Lust tsumi-ing off him. Xenna popped in, sitting down by Hyrt. He took a bite of he offered pasta, complimenting it. They whispered about recipes. Pazuzu heard Asylum step in from beside him. He watched her sit down, pulling on the bottom of her dress down. Tarvous sat, smiling to himself. Pazuzu waited. Eventually, Lucifer came in.

Lucifer sat, folding his hands. "We've just welcomed a new charge among us." Xenna nodded. Lucifer nodded back, "And we have an opportunity to invite another. Anders Shile is looking to become the Charge of Sloth Court. I have had Pazuzu follow him. Can you tell us about him?"

Pazuzu spoke calmly, "Watching him work, I've grown respect for him. He's strong, dedicated, and a good soldier. He's been quick to connect dots; he's intelligent. Anders has strong morals, doing what he thinks is right even if it's controversial. He's kind, talking to women who wouldn't normally be spoken too."

There was whispers of discussion.

Lucifer broke the whispers, "All in favor of Anders becoming Sloth Charge?"

Greed, Pride, Lucifer, Glutton, and Pazuzu voted in favor. Lucifer grinned, "Alright. Dismissed. And Pazuzu? Don't tell him."

"Why?" he asked.

Lucifer smiled, "Make it a surprise."

Lucifer is acting odd. What is he doing?

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