Chapter 19 - Closing the Book

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(Pic: Asylum)


Anders watched Asmodeus take a deep breath. Asmodeus glanced, "You ready?" He nodded. Asmodeus pushed open the door. She bowed to the Charges around the Summit Hall long table. Anders did the same, unsure of what else to do. 

Lucifer looked at Anders and Asmodeus, and then the Charges greeted them. Asmodeus seemed so okay with everything, but Anders was damn near pissing himself. Was he doing anything wrong? These were the Charges of Hell.

Pazuzu sat him down, "Don't stress too much. You're doing just fine."

Asmodeus sat beside them, crossing her legs, "Sir, as you know, there was a colony of Lust demons on Earth." She sounded so professional and like she knew what she was doing. "The main purpose was a sex trafficking ring that Hell couldn't oppose, because it wasn't in hell. However, as of a week ago, the squad swept through, gathered survivors, arrested those who were suspected of sexual crimes, and destroyed the colony."

The Envy Charge questioned, "How many were arrested?"

Anders answered, "183, 175 of which were Thompson."

"46 victims were saved, and all taken to the hospital in the summit hall territory." Asmodeus added.

Lucifer commented, "Explains the influx of requested supplies."

Asmodeus cleared her throat, "However, Iber Thompson has escaped."

The new Greed Charge looked up, "Who?"

Anders explained, "He was the acting leader of the colony. He has a criminal record, most of which are sexual crimes. He hasn't been in jail, though."

"And a Marcov-sympathizer," Asmodeus added. 

"So a bad dude?" the Pride Charge raised a brow.

Asmodeus nodded. The Charges argued with each other on what to do. Anders watched Asmodeus. She was a damn good talker. She looked so intelligent and professional. Anders felt like a homeless dude beside this goddess.

Pazuzu cleared his throat, "Iber's a Lust. He's going to be extremely intelligent."

"And?" the Envy Charge urged.

"And finding him is going to be a long damn fight," Hyrt shoveled more mashed potatoes into his mouth. 

"So what do we do?" the Greed Charge asked.

"We officially appoint me as Lust Charge and Anders as Sloth Charge," Asmodeus looked around the table. 

The Envy Charge, Greed Charge, and Lucifer looked taken back by Asmodeus' bluntness. The Pride Charge, Pazuzu, and Hyrt, however, looked completely unfazed.

"Quite a bold move, Miss Asmodeus. How would that help?" Lucifer asked.

Asmodeus crossed her arms, "By instating me as Lust Charge, you are preventing Iber, or any Marcov-sympathizer from having an easy claim to the throne. Additionally, I have a plan to encourage Lust demons to go through therapy and rebuild our culture pre-Marcov using the Prince's works."

"Prince Asmodeus'?"

"Yes." she responded. 

"And why should Anders be Charge?" the Envy Charge asked.

Asmodeus responded, "Because that was the agreement, and having more Charges is beneficial."

"How so?" the Pride Charge crossed his arms.

"Agreement?" the Greed Charge interrupted.

Asmodeus responded, "He's a Sloth. He would only do something if there was a benefit. Anyway, Iber is a Lust, which means he is manipulative. He is more than capable of using corruption to 'puppet' a new Charge, without anyone knowing. So if there's a Sloth Charge, that's one less Court for him to use." That seemed to make sense. Anders wondered how Asmodeus figured out the agreement - there had to be more thought than that.

Lucifer cleared his throat, "Alright. All in favor of Asmodeus being Lust Charge?" Pazuzu, Hyrt, Lucifer, the Envy Charge, and Pride Charge voted in favor. 

"Woah, woah, hey!" the Greed Charge pointed out, "She's a Lust too! How do we know she isn't manipulating us?" The Envy Charge and Lucifer lowered their hands. It was now a 3-3 tie. Anders had to agree that Asmodeus was suspicious.

"I haven't done anything but help you," Asmodeus pointed out.

"That's a bit manipulative." Lucifer pointed out.

Asmodeus nodded, "Yea, but you trusted me thirty seconds ago."

The vote remained.

"All in favor of Anders being Sloth Charge?"

Hyrt, Pazuzu, Lucifer, and the Greed Charge voted in favor. Anders couldn't help but grin.

"Congratulations, Anders. You're the Charge," Lucifer smiled, "These are your fellow Charges, Tarvous - Pride Charge, Xenna - Greed Charge, Hyrt - Glutton Charge, and Asylum - the Envy Charge. Pazuzu is an advisor, and acting leader of the sub-court of Fear."

Anders watched Asmodeus stand and bow, then leave. "Thank you. It's good to meet you all," Anders stood.

"Alright. A servant will show you around and assist with paperwork and settling in." Lucifer folded his hands.

"Before that, I'll be right back," Anders turned to leave the room. He stopped, looking at Asmodeus and a short man. The man was identical to Asmodeus. "Hey, uhm.." he adjusted, "I'm sorry about that.. I think you should've gotten the whole Charge position thing.."

"Don't be sorry," she waved her hand dismissively. 

"She's still technically acting leader.." the man mumbled.

"Right.. uh... you.." Anders rubbed his arm.

Asmodeus gestured to the man, "Anders, this is my twin, Ihys. Dipshit, this is Anders." Ihys snorted at the name calling.

Anders shifted, "Good to meet you."

"You too," Ihys smiled.

A servant walked up, "Mister Anders? Let's getting going."

Anders followed, waving to Asmodeus and Ihys.

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