Chapter 2 - Materialistic

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(Pic: Maric Xenna Silva)


Xenna brushed his dark curls aside. He followed the servant, "So, I have multiple stages of acceptance for bills, right?"

"Oh, uhm.. yes," Mrs. Brooks replied.

Xenna held up his pointer finger, pointing to each finger on the other hand as he listed, "Proposal, debate, internal vote - which is the vote with the greed council, external vote - a summit, public vote, and signing."

"Most Charges skip the public vote," she informed.

Xenna rolled his eyes, "I know. But I don't want to be uninvolved with my people." Even though it was against his fathers will. The Silva family was the wealthiest, and one of the most influential, families in the once charge-less Greed Court. They really only had one enemy; one competitor. The Armani's. Silva's hated the Armani's, and the Armani's hated the Silva's.

That's why Xenna's father had trained him from such a young age. To one up the Armani's. His son was going to be charge. No matter what. No matter what.

Xenna felt at his gray to green feathery wings, following the servant.

"This is the summit hall motel, where all the-"

"I'm aware, and I know most of Greed Courts," Xenna interrupted, "to the castle then?"

The servant paused, "Of course."

Xenna impatiently opened a portal to the castle front, and both him and the servant walked through. Mrs. Brooks led him in, "The first floor has your throne room and the meeting room for the council." The Greed servants ran around, desperate to do their jobs. The servant led Xenna up the grand stair case in the middle of the massive room, "The second floor has your kitchen." The servant turned, "Your house is the top floor. Your family can stay with you if you wish."

Xenna smiled, "Thank you, I've got it from here. You can go back."

The servant hesitated, but nodded. They walked out.

Xenna walked into the kitchen, asking for a simple sandwich. He was met with a delightful ham and cheese sandwich. He ate it, walking around the castle. He walked down a hall, running into a servant as he turned the corner. He stepped back, offering a hand to help the man up.

The man had raven hair, with his part being in the middle. It wasn't longer than the tips of his ears. He was a light skinned man, with dark eyes that had no expression. He had several marks on his skin.

He had a scar coming out from an eyepatch.

Xenna paused, pulling his hand back when the man stood. "Apologies.. Sir."

The man gave no response, only stared blankly, then walked past, presumably going to do his job.

Xenna raised a brow, then shook his head and kept walking.

Until he ran into another man. A short man, with brown eyes and blueish hair. The man smiled, "Hello Mr. Silva!" He pushed his glasses further up his nose. He adjusted his lab coat, flashing a brown vest underneath.

Xenna smiled back, "Hello, Mr..?"

"Just call me Lleu. What are you doing here?" The man, Lleu, responded.

"I'm the charge now." Xenna said softly.

Lleu went wide eyed, then bowed, "O-oh my! Sorry!"

Xenna held back a sigh, "No, you're fine. Please, rise. You're a servant then?"

Lleu shook his head, "I-Im a scientist. Specifically for r-robotics."

Xenna nodded, "Alright. Can I see any of your work?"

Lleu beamed, "Of course!" He then took out his crystal and typed, "Come with me!" As if he remembered he was speaking to a charge, he added, "P-please."

Xenna did so, following Lleu down some stairs, and into a heavily protected door.

Another man met them at the door. He had half purple and half blue hair, with goggles tangled into it. He had light brown eyes, eyes that buzzed with a familiar intensity. He was a metal addict.

Every Greed had to take a supplement of some kind to slow their body's production of Greed. There were mainly two forms. The pill, which was a small capsule filled with Greed concentrate, which was mostly bought out by powerful families. And the second, a failed shot. The shot was supposed to be a Greed suppressor, given once every 3-6 months depending on the Greed Demon. However, it proved to be highly addictive, and was mass produced illegally. A ton of Greed Demons who couldn't afford the pills turned to the cheap shots, and cause a Court-wide epidemic.

It was easy to tell who was a metal addict. Pale skin, skin picking, track marks, hollow eyes that buzzed with energy; the list could go on forever.

"Hello Entyn. I've come to show our Charge, Mr. Silva, my bird."

Entyn the Metal Addict nodded, moving away. He returned with a massive mechanical eagle. It turned its head, looking at Xenna. It blinked.

Xenna was stunned, "Thats amazing. May I touch it?"

Lleu nodded, whistling softly. The bird obeyed the command, flying over. It landed on Xenna's outstretched arm. It's claws gripped hard, any harder and it would've drawn blood. "Its name is Cog."

"What does it stand for?" He examined the bird's wings.

"Nothing. Couldn't think of a better name." Lleu laughed sheepishly.

Xenna chuckled. Entyn didn't join in.

Xenna then changed back to an authoritative voice, "I would like blueprints of all your robots. I'm proud of this, its incredible. Keep up the good work."

"Yes, Sir." Lleu chimed, saluting happily.

Entyn just nodded, staring.

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