Chapter 14 - Attraction and Addiction

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(Pic: Amaris)


Asmodeus watched the servants move around. Asmodeus cracked her knuckles, moving away. Asmodeus walked on the outskirts of the colony. She listened to the thudding of her boots on the ground. She sighed, scratching the damned tattoo on her wrist. "IDMT-7661AR" printed on her left wrist permanently. 

She paused, looking up when she heard shifting in the bushes. She prepared a small bit of magic to defend herself, "Who's there?"

A burst of Wrath hit her. She struggled, thrashing. She was easily overpowered by the Wrath, who had clamped down on her mouth. There wasn't a point screaming anyways. She looked up at the.. woman..? No, man..? No... 

Asmodeus let the person drag her. "You don't put up much of a fight, do you?" they asked. She glared. "For someone who apparently fights hard, I thought you'd put up a fight." 

She tore their hand from her mouth, "I'm a Lust and you are Wrath. I don't have a chance of winning any fight with you."

They laughed, "Wise one, eh?"

She noted where they were going, scuffing the ground with her boot so she could find her way back. She huffed. Asmodeus shifted, glaring. "Ah-!!" she was thrown onto the hard ground. She got up on her knees, glaring at the group of demons. There was 13, all from different courts. She recognized a few, and the other prisoner tied to a tree.

 Asmodeus raised a brow. She connected the dots quickly. These were the people she was told to give information, supplies, and anything else they might need. Lucifer gave her that job. "Aren't I supposed to be helping you and not being-" she was cut off by the acting leader - the same man who helped her defend Dunnsah - grabbing her by the shoulders. He had a firm grip, but it didn't hurt. "Oi- hey-!" She didn't bother fighting it.

He pushed her to sit against a tree, putting a hand on her shoulder to keep her against the tree. She huffed, "I was sent by Lucifer." He started tying her. She inhaled, feeling her cheeks turn red. She didn't want to admit it, but now she was just horny. 

Asmodeus adjusted, "I've been told to help you."

One of the Envies snapped, "And how do we know you aren't lying?" Asmodeus thought she was hot. The curls, the blue eyes, the thigh high boots. Fuck. 

"Ask Lucifer," Asmodeus responded. She eyed the leader. He was hot too. She shifted, trying to remember the name. "Anders-"

He froze, turning.

"Trust me. I trusted you and fought beside you. Now it's your turn to trust me," Asmodeus begged.

Anders eyed her, then turned and wandered into his own little area. As the group dispersed, Dunnsah ran to her. She sat down, "Are you ok?"

"I'm okay," She shifted, "for now."

Dunnsah hugged her, "I was worried! Did anyone hurt you?"

Asmodeus shook her head, "No."

Dunnsah pulled back, sitting beside her. She picked at the grass, "Good. You got a mission.. from Lucifer himself?"

"Yea, but if this doesn't work out, I'm gonna be thrown in the den for betraying Marcov."

Dunnsah gasped, "The den?" The den was a pit in the capital of Lust Court, filled with hungry, naked Lust women. They had a special rune. The Den Rune. It took a piece of them. 

"Whether he decides that I become a part of it, or am slaughtered by it, I don't know."

Dunnsah sat in silence, hiding the fact she was crying. Asmodeus inhaled after a few minutes, "Well, who are these people?"

Dunnsah shifted, "Oh- uhm." She named them, pointing at them.

" Anders is approaching," Asmodeus nodded to the man coming with a few plates. He sat down in front of her.

He handed Dunnsah a plate of rice. Asmodeus was untied and given a plate. He cleared his throat, "I'm waiting on a response from Lucifer to confirm your story." She nodded.

Asmodeus caught a glance of two men in the trees, who both disappeared deeper into the woods. Asmodeus ate.

Dunnsah took a bite, "Anders, this is Asmodeus Riddel."

He looked at her, "Nice to meet you. At least you are eating." He glanced to Iber.

"Not eating?"

"No. Not willingly," Anders responded.

"Drain him of magic," Asmodeus suggested.

"What?" Anders asked.

"Take his magic. He's Marcov's son. His magic is his strength. Without it, he'll be even more frail. He'll need the food to function," Asmodeus explained, finishing eating. She put her plate on the grass in front of her.

She watched Dunnsah eat, and Anders thought through it. He grunted, standing. Asmodeus looked at him, biting the inside of her cheek. Asmodeus was mildly confused as to why he didn't tie her back up. She watched as he wandered to Iber. He muttered to the enemy, then started pulling Lust out in gooey strands. 

She looked to Dunnsah, pulling her closer and hugging her. She saw Dunnsah's look of terror. Pazuzu and the woman - Starlas - did too, as they both glanced in her direction.

This was going to be a long, boring day.

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