Chapter 18 - Challenge

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(Pic: Dunnsah Williams)



Dunnsah heard a yell. Asmodeus' voice rang out across the colony, "Marcov-!"

Dunnsah looked to Pazuzu to confirm she did just hear what she heard. Pazuzu gave her a look that confirmed what she heard, then he took his scythe and slammed it into a window. The window shattered. Pazuzu looked down, then looked to her, "I'll catch them."

Dunnsah watched Pazuzu jump. She looked at the naked and afraid Lusts. "He'll catch you. I promise." Dunnsah started lining them up, telling them to jump. When one was caught and put down, she let the next one go.

That's when she caught a look of Anders. And.. a wall of fire..?

She got the last few done, then jumped down. She ran to Anders, "Where's Azzy?" She paused, "Oh."

Asmodeus was in the fire ring with Marcov.

"She challenged him." Anders informed. Dunnsah worried.

Asmodeus twirled her trident, watching Marcov. "So much for your fantasy, huh?"

Marcov glared, "Nothings changed, Bitch."

Asmodeus planted her trident in the dirt, "Not yet. But it will." She smirked, "After all, you're getting weak. The Thompsons finally accelerating?"

Thompsons Disease was a sexually transmitted disease that only spread through the Lust population. It was first discovered in Marcov and his children. It would eat at Lust magic and cause magic instability.

And Asmodeus had waited for it to accelerate in Marcov before following through.

"Smart.." Dunnsah mumbled.

Anders looked down, "How is this smart??"

Dunnsah thought he was being weirdly worried, "She's targeting him when his vulnerable."

"Oh," Anders shifted to look through the flame.

Dunnsah looked back. "And you're a servant," Marcov snapped, "act like it."

"And you're pathetic. You didn't even fight to get your position," Asmodeus leaned on her trident, "You just claimed yourself Charge."

That pissed Marcov off, "I'm not the slut."

"Maybe I am. But at least I'll be able to say I fought for my right to the throne," she cocked a hip.

Marcov charged. He was met with a pattern of tridents that stabbed the ground. Left. Right. Left. Hit.

Asmodeus stepped back, kicking. Marcov clotheslined himself on her thigh. Marcov dropped. Asmodeus stumbled back. Asmodeus caught her footing. She struck him with her trident. Marcov turned, groaning. He threw magic at her. She grunted. She fell.

Dunnsah looked at Anders. He looked on edge. Did he...-?

Marcov was on her. She yelled, "No-!!" He tore her shirt off.

Dunnsah felt her stomach churn.

Pazuzu demanded, "Get off her- you rapist-!"

Did Anders like Azzy?

Rapist is an awful word to call a Lust.

Dunnsah felt like her knees might give out.

Anders was giving off Wrath.

Marcov was wrestling Asmodeus to pin her.

Asmodeus played dirty right back.

Marcov yelled out as Asmodeus got him in the balls.

Dunnsah heard ringing in her ears.

Asmodeus got on his back, holding a trident over her head.

Asmodeus yelled something.

Dunnsah fell. She saw the other demons cheer and bow.

Then she saw black.

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