Chapter 6 - Paradise

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(Pic: Kain)


Kain walked along heaven's clouds. He was quiet, walking to the Parliament building. He had been called to The Angelic Council, presumably to be given another mission. Kain opened the door, blinking the white light away. He walked in, then down a hall into another bright white room. He stood, looking up at The Council. The Angels looked down on him.

"Kain, how have you been?" one angel asked.

"W-well. You?" he asked.

"Good, thank you. Now, we have a new mission for you." another stated. A woman with blond hair tied in a bun, and filmy gray eyes. She held out a file in a general direction. Kain took it, whispering, "Thank you."

"Thank you, Stephanie. Kain, we have reports of Demons on Earth. Your job is to gather information on the supposed colony."

Another angel, with brown hair and golden eyes. Kain's friend, Shane, had walked in.

"Ah!" an angel on The Council welcomed Shane, "There you are! Kain, Shane will be your partner for this mission. Just work on getting information. And please, try not to get into a fight."

Shane shifted, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Alright. When d-do we leave?" Kain asked.

"Tomorrow, at dawn," one angel responded.

"Good luck!" Another added.

Kain and Shane turned to leave. Kain opened the file, "Should we go through it b-before t-tomorrow?"

"Nah," Shane dismissed.

Kain felt a bit anxious at that, "O-oh ok." At that, the two angels split. Shane walked towards the neighborhood  that mostly housed Chastity-Leaning Angels. Kain scratched his nose, heading towards the Patience-Leaning neighborhood. Kain stepped onto his porch, unlocking his house. He closed the door behind him, holding his hands out.

His tuxedo cat, named Muffin, ran up, and jumped into his arms. He meowed, purring as he got his pets. Kain moved, dropping the cat. He smiled, moving to put the file on his coffee table. 

Kain found himself waking up, not remembering when he had fallen asleep. He exhaled, sitting up. Where... was he? It was forested, and he was sitting on a rock. He felt himself singing, hearing the one-man choir float around him. He looked to his left. Someone, pale and with golden eyes, was chained up. He seemed to be enjoying the music. He tried asking questions.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Kain jerked awake, hearing the distant alarm clock. He was asleep on the couch, with Muffin curled in his lap. He blinked, stretching and yawning. He moved to his room, shutting it off. Kain adjusted, changing. He wore dress pants, and a blank black v-neck shirt. 

Kain texted Shane, "Hey Shane, when are we going to meet up to look at the file?"

While he waited for a response, he made himself some eggs for breakfast. He looked at the file, sitting on the couch and opening it up. There were a few reports of demons spotted on Earth, along with a couple files on specific demons. 

Iber Henry Thompson

Age: 278

Parents: Marcov Thompson, Mother unknown

Crimes: Possession of child pornography, indecent exposure, statutory rape, sexual assault, rape. There is no known incarceration time.

Description: Lust demon. Young white man. Dirty blond hair, buzz cut. Red eyes. Mole on right cheek. No visible tattoos or scars. Pointed nose. "Soft" jawline.

Iber was last spotted on the coast line of the Ica, Peru. Iber must be detained and put under trial for accusations of sex trafficking, sexual assualt, and other sexual crimes. Iber is a danger to mortals in the area.

Dunnsah Abeba Williams

Age: 48704

Parents: Zahara Williams, Jairus Williams

Description: Lust demon. Young black woman. Black coiled hair, tied into an afro bun. Dark blue eyes. Tattoo on left wrist "IDMT-1287DW". Bee and flower tattoo on lower back. Ears pierced. 

Dunnsah was last seen bleeding in Menan, Idaho. Locals report a dazed and injured young black woman. Source of injury unknown.

There were a couple others, but with each detailing was a picture. He wondered to himself what the young lady's wrist tattoo meant. Kain felt disgusted by Iber. How could someone do.. all that? And yet, he still wasn't held responsible. Kain shook his head disapprovingly. 

Kain sighed, flipping through. Angels were worried about the sightings. Rumors of a colony. All of it. Kain stood again, noticing the time. 

Of course. Shane wouldn't get a look at the file. Kain teleported tp the place he was to meet with Shane. He shifted, holding the file to his chest. He smiled to the Angels walking past. Shane teleported beside him, yawning. "D-did you just wake up?"

"Maybe," Shane responded.

Kain frowned, scolding, "You should be more c-conscientious of m-missions like this!"

Shane shrugged. Typical.

They moved through the opened portal. They were on Earth. Kain looked around, recognizing the grassy forest.

"Huh. Pretty place, huh?" Shane commented, gesturing for the file. Kain nodded, handing the file over. Shane flipped through, giving a disgusted look when he read the Iber report. Kain scratched his nose, thinking. Shane spoke up, "We should find a place to camp out. There's a map, we should use that to find a cave or something."

Kain agreed, and they looked around. They found an old den, and set up camp. They laid their sleeping bags, only to keep warm. They didn't have time to sleep. As they set up camp, the day passed quickly. Now it was dusk. Kain started a fire, "S-so where d-do we start tomorrow?"

"I guess we scout for demons," Shane replied.

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