Chapter Five: My Escort (Part One)

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I rested my head on my hands. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I raised my left hand to check the time from my wrist watch. Ugh, damn it. I'm going to be late.

I grabbed my phone from inside my pockets and dialed Jerome. When he answered on the third ring, I asked, “Where are you?”

Hearing him sigh, I felt rather guilty. It was his first day working as a chef in the restaurant. Being his girlfriend, I should have supported him but now I'm probably pissing him off. Stupid vampire party, I must say.

“I'm still in the restaurant,” he said wearily. “I'm sorry but I think I can't escort you in the party tonight. You know how it is in the restaurant during Friday nights.”

I sighed. I can't force him if he can't. It's his job. Why I agreed to come in this stupid party in the first place, I don't know. “It's okay,” I assured him. “Your work is more important than this. I'll just call my parents that I might not be coming with you.”

“I'm so sorry, Melanie. I'll make it up to you somehow. Maybe tomorrow we could have dinner?”

Even a little bit upset and disappointed, I smiled. “Okay. I'd love that.”

“I'm really sorry, Mel,” he apologized once again.

“It's okay. Really.”

After saying goodbye, I hang up. Tapping my fingers on the table, I scrolled down at my contacts so I can call my parents. However, halfway there, my phone rang. And the name on the caller ID shocked me.


Why was he calling me? I wasn't expecting him to call me. I also don't know why he was calling me. Nevertheless, I pressed the Answer button and placed the phone on my right ear.

“Hey Garret,” I greeted him, hoping he didn't notice the curiosity in my voice.

“Hi, Melanie. I was just going to ask what you are up to.”

He sounded sincere and truthful so I guess I just have to answer him sincerely and truthfully as well. “I'm here at home. I'm about to call my parents. I think I'm going to the party alone.”

“Alone? What happened with Jerome?”

“He's working.”

“It's nine in the evening. He must be home.”

“He's a chef. And it's Friday night. A lot of people would go out. Of course he'd be busy.”

“That sucks,” he sympathized. “Yet I think we have the same situation right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ashley is sick. Really sick. She can't go out with me in the party tonight. So I'm looking for someone who I could bring.”

I narrowed my eyes. Okay, if I was Ashley - thank God I'm not - but really, if I was her, I would want my boyfriend to not go to that stupid party and just stay with me. Then why the hell would Garret still go the party even though his girlfriend is really sick?

And I know it's wrong, I know it's inappropriate but I was actually hoping he'd ask me out. Not as a girlfriend, I thought. But as a friend.

“I think I should ask you out,” he continued.

I laughed - even though I thought it's wrong because his girlfriend is sick. But I just can't help it. “You think?”

He also laughed. His laugh was one of the things I really miss. You rarely hear Garret laugh. He wasn't the type who always find everything funny. He's a realist, and well, I couldn't say that's good for him.

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