Chapter Seven: James and Jennifer

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Running my hand on my hair, I sighed and faced Jerome. He was frowning as he plopped down on my bed, wearing nothing but his light blue boxers.

“Why do you have to leave?” he asked, looking at me with those pleading blue eyes.

“I told Garret that I’m going to visit Xayranne and Flynn’s children,” I told him gently. “Come on, Jerome, you had me for five years. It’s time to share me.”

“But I don’t want to share you,” he groaned, his fingers interlacing with mine. He pulled me down and kissed my lips softly. “Come back to bed with me?”

I smiled through his lips. “You just want me for my body, don’t you?”

“Yep. I find you hot as hell. Sue me.”

“Well, if you let go of me, well, maybe you’re going to have some tonight.”

Jerome looked up at me with wide eyes. “Really?”

I kissed his nose affectionately. “Oh yes.”

“Fine,” he moaned angrily then let me go.

“Thanks,” I said and kissed his cheek one last time.

With a last goodbye, I left my room and walked down the stairs. Heather and Garret were sitting in the dining table, talking in fast, hushed tones. When they heard me approaching, they stopped and turned to me.

“Hey,” Garret greeted me with a smile. “You look pretty today.”

I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing a knee-length floral skirt with a matching plain white tank top. I also wore a cute pink cardigan and white open-toed sandals. I raised my head again and my eyes met Garret’s.

“Thanks,” I said, returning his smile.

We continued staring at each other for a minute or two before Heather cleared her throat. “Okay, I’m leaving now. I can literally feel the sexual tension between the two of you.”

I frowned at her disapprovingly as she got up to leave the dining hall. Garret grinned at me. “Come on, let’s go to Xayranne’s. I want to see your expression when you realize their kids are mini-monsters.”

“Garret, they’re children… not monsters,” I remarked when he got up from his chair.

“Well, those words mean the same thing,” he said, smiling dangerously.

I just rolled my eyes at that.

We both left the house and went inside Garret’s car. He started the engine and began to drive slowly.

An amused smile met my lips. “You remember.”

“Remember what?” he asked innocently.

“That I throw up when the drive is real fast.”

He smirked. “Well, I’d like to keep my car clean, wouldn’t I?”

“Remember when I first met your parents?” I recalled. “I threw up and then tried to shake your mother’s hand. She was disgusted.”

Garret burst out laughing. “Oh yes. I also remember when I told you to be a brave bitch.”

No one said anything after that. Memories were forming inside our mind; making us remember those times we have shared. Those times when everything was still fun. When everything was right. I was a human and I was happy.

And there I was, five years later.

After fifteen minutes, we arrived at Xayranne and Flynn’s house. It was the same house – though renovated – they brought me first when I saw Garret drinking blood on that girl.

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