Chapter Two: Morning Talk

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This chapter is dedicated to Mikaela Intencion who is better known here in Wattpad as: mikaelaalpiz. She's a good friend of mine -- both in Wattpad and in real life. :) She started her new story “Hold Me in the Rain” and you better check it out! I made her cover and it's frikin' nice if I do say so myself. :p


I shrugged on my jacket and checked my reflection on the mirror. Sighing, I grabbed my comb and a rubber band. After tying my hair in a tight ponytail, I half-smiled at myself and practically skipped out of my room. 

The room beside mine was occupied by Jerome while the room across mine was owned by my parents. The room beside my parents' was occupied by Heather. I brought my fist up just in front of Jerome's door and knocked. He didn't answer and it was open so I let myself in.

It was still five-thirty in the morning so it wasn't a surprise for me when I saw Jerome sound asleep on his bed, snoring softly. I smiled and sat on the edge of his bed, just studying him. His chestnut brown hair was arranged messily and his mouth was slightly open. He was lying on his front and his head was positioned sideways on the pillow. I brought up my hand and brushed his hair away from his eyes.

He stirred in his sleep. “Jerome,” I called him softly.

Jerome gave out a sleepy groan. After a while, he opened one eye sleepily and noticed me. With that, both of his eyes fluttered open, showing off his sapphire blue eyes. Rubbing his eyes, he brought himself up in a sitting position. 

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

I gave him a smile. “I told you that we would go jogging, remember?”

“I can't remember.”

Pouting at him, I folded my arms across my chest. “But you promised...”


“You promised.”

He sighed, irritated. “Fine. Give me five minutes to prepare.”

I grinned. “Okay. Just go downstairs. I'll be there.”

Jerome nodded. I kissed his cheek then hopped out of his room. Walking down the stairs, I trailed my fingers on my lips. Jerome doesn't kiss me in the lips directly sometimes. Sometimes he kisses me in the cheek and I don't know whether that's good or bad. When Garret and I were together, he used to kiss me in the lips all the time -- and I loved it. But I don't know what I feel when I kiss Jerome...

Shaking my head, I pushed all the thoughts about Jerome and his kisses out of my mind. I arrived at the ground floor. A breath escaped my lips. What to do while waiting? I walked to the living room and saw a random picture frame just on top of a cabinet that was filled by my mom's things.

I stopped dead on my tracks. I was practically glued to the spot as I reached out to that picture frame. Something about that made me think about the time when this picture was taken. A smile slowly formed on my lips as I stared at the girl and boy grinning. The girl looked so happy -- you could take one look at her and realize that she's in love with the boy just beside her. The boy was not technically looking at the camera. He was grinning, yes, but not in the camera. He was grinning at the girl and it's hard not to notice that his arms were around her.

And yes, it was a picture of Garret and I five years ago.

It was that day before I turned eighteen -- before I turned into a vampire. I thought everything was good in my life. Even though I learned was adopted, I have my boyfriend who I love more than anything in the world. I have people around me who would love me for who I am. That picture was taken two days before my birthday. It was taken by Flynn who was trying out his new camera Xayranne gave him for Christmas. How it ended up in my house in a picture frame was a mystery to me.

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